Page 382 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 382
ksandra Šindić, Tamara Pribišev Beleslin, and Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec
At the beginning, we were a little insecure because for the first time
we were faced with writing a therapeutic fairy tale, especially in this
situation when there is a pandemic, and with our work, we act on the
children for whom these fairy tales are intended. It was interesting for
us to design the characters, the fable, the metaphors because we had
all the power to determine the course of our fairy tale fable. [student
answer 1]
Empathy for Children Who Suffer and Are in a Difficult Situation
Almost half of the students, combine their professional and social responsi-
bility with empathy for the children, for whom they write therapeutic stories,
stating that this particularly influenced them to engage. Motivation stem-
ming from student affirmative emotions toward others is desirable in educa-
tional work because it touches the student’s inner, personal side, encourages
his or her personal development and helps him/her to bring most of his/her
personality into work.
In thinking of the story, I thought about the children, and I wanted my
story and the story fable to reach them in the best possible way. I made
sure that the story was not difficult for the children and that the chil-
dren could understand and relate it to the new situation in the best
possible way so that both the metaphor and other parts of the story
were very close children. [student answer 27]
I tried to put myself in the role of children and to adapt the main char-
acter [. . .] [student answer 26]
[. . .] when it came to feelings of the main character, I found myself in it.
We are all troubled by anxiety, depression and sadness. So we can learn
from each story and find the inner strength that lies within us. [student
answer 17]
Thus, a form of the teaching process that combines theoretical knowledge
of different methodical fields with real life phenomena, contributes to the de-
velopment of professional competences, builds new insights into the profes-
sion, that is, builds awareness and understanding of children’s perspectives,
as the ability to perceive a child’s perception, that ‘represent children’s experi-
ences, perceptions, and understanding in their life-world’ (Sommer, Pramling
Samuelsson, and Hundeide 2010, vi).
Through contextualized learning contents, ‘love for children’ is conceived,
which is rarely practically operationalized as a specificity of the profession
At the beginning, we were a little insecure because for the first time
we were faced with writing a therapeutic fairy tale, especially in this
situation when there is a pandemic, and with our work, we act on the
children for whom these fairy tales are intended. It was interesting for
us to design the characters, the fable, the metaphors because we had
all the power to determine the course of our fairy tale fable. [student
answer 1]
Empathy for Children Who Suffer and Are in a Difficult Situation
Almost half of the students, combine their professional and social responsi-
bility with empathy for the children, for whom they write therapeutic stories,
stating that this particularly influenced them to engage. Motivation stem-
ming from student affirmative emotions toward others is desirable in educa-
tional work because it touches the student’s inner, personal side, encourages
his or her personal development and helps him/her to bring most of his/her
personality into work.
In thinking of the story, I thought about the children, and I wanted my
story and the story fable to reach them in the best possible way. I made
sure that the story was not difficult for the children and that the chil-
dren could understand and relate it to the new situation in the best
possible way so that both the metaphor and other parts of the story
were very close children. [student answer 27]
I tried to put myself in the role of children and to adapt the main char-
acter [. . .] [student answer 26]
[. . .] when it came to feelings of the main character, I found myself in it.
We are all troubled by anxiety, depression and sadness. So we can learn
from each story and find the inner strength that lies within us. [student
answer 17]
Thus, a form of the teaching process that combines theoretical knowledge
of different methodical fields with real life phenomena, contributes to the de-
velopment of professional competences, builds new insights into the profes-
sion, that is, builds awareness and understanding of children’s perspectives,
as the ability to perceive a child’s perception, that ‘represent children’s experi-
ences, perceptions, and understanding in their life-world’ (Sommer, Pramling
Samuelsson, and Hundeide 2010, vi).
Through contextualized learning contents, ‘love for children’ is conceived,
which is rarely practically operationalized as a specificity of the profession