Page 380 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 380
ksandra Šindić, Tamara Pribišev Beleslin, and Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec

fessors were prepare their therapeutic fairy tales for publishing and
sharing among preschool children in community. The main idea of
this phase was to incorporate community-based values into students’
learning and cross-curricular teaching (Rowley and Cooper 2009), such
as active participation, agency, solidarity, empathy and altruism.

Method – Students’ Experiences while Writing a Therapeutic Fairy Tale
The study procedure. The qualitative applied study, based on interpretative
practice (Gubrium and Holstein 2000), was conducted at the same time when
integrating methodical fields in context of pandemic. The aim of a micro-
study was to examine effectiveness of inter-subject linking and to monitor
the learning process based on student introspection. An introspective writ-
ten interview with structured questions was used.

Two research questions were set:

1. How the student’s internal state, their agency and involvement in this
educational task can be seen as a motivation for achievements and
reaching the learning outcomes?

2. How effective this model of linking the university courses is in devel-
oping the professional competencies from the students’ perspective?

Participants and ethical consideration. Sample was occasional, included all
of 27 students on the third year of Study Program for Early Childhood Ed-
ucation, on Faculty of Philosophy (University of Banja Luka). As the part of
the teaching process in vivo, students were informed that study was con-
ducted for accessing the information for building understanding of efficacy
of this teaching model for future, and generating the contextualized knowl-
edge grounded in lived experiences. The students’ participation treated with
anonymity, protecting their identity in analysis, as well as, with confidence,
respecting their perspectives, understandings and thoughts.

Levels of analyses of qualitative data. The first reading of data, that was the
first cycle of analyses, was focus on open coding and formation of the large
and generalized categories according to two research questions (Punch
1998). In next cycles of reading, these categories were interpreted, described,
and the meanings were made based on students’ perspective on this teach-
ing model in high education.

Analysis and Reflection
Following the research questions, qualitative data analysis focused on two
research questions: (1) Student’s internal state, agency and involvement in

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