Page 385 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 385
Therapeutic Fairy Tales in Times of Pandemic
more complete and useful, and students see its importance for the practice
and the educational process with preschool children.
The integration of methodical fields through the linking of several univer-
sity subjects is perceived as a much more complex learning environment for
students. This leads to a mutual and meaningful ‘joint participation in au-
thentic activity’ (Feiman-Nemser and Beasley 1997, 109), where students in
teams, together with professors, participate in constructing and deconstruct-
ing knowledge, thereby influencing the development of higher mental pro-
cesses, especially application in the context of the task, analysis, synthesis,
and creation of new solutions. In addition, this type of learning is immersed
in a cultural context and values, conflicting, interesting, aligned with action,
student styles, and at the same time it is individualized and collective expe-
rience, situational ‘learning-in-practice’ as stated by Lave (2009).
Inter-subject linking and instruction in the social context are increasingly rec-
ognized as important approach in initial preschool teacher education.
By organizing university classes in this way, we prepared with students
quality therapeutic fairy tales for children during the corona pandemic,
and through conducted qualitative micro-study based on interpretative ap-
proach, intended to look at student introspection. Students’ internal expe-
riences during cross-curricular work indicate that, despite initial insecurity
about the new approach and task, and its complexity, empathy and develop-
mental processes as motivators, the desire to act in the community, and the
self-therapeutic processes they went through to create a therapeutic fairy
tale were encouraged and contributed to students’ satisfaction in achieving
competencies. It is noted that this approach allows not only professional but
also personal growth of students.
This, as well as, our other studies of the process of inter-subject linking and
access to university teaching, indicate its contribution to the modernization
of university practice in the context of the preschool curriculum (Pribišev Be-
leslin, Šindić, and Vujić 2015), the innovation of the learning process (Šindić,
Pribišev-Beleslin, and Ratković 2019), connecting the higher education insti-
tution to the community to which it belongs (Šindić and Pribišev Beleslin
2015), and developing the professional competencies of future preschool
Positive students’ introspective responses indicate rich emotional and mo-
tivational processes during this model of university teaching based on inter-
subject linking, that could certainly be further explored through action re-
more complete and useful, and students see its importance for the practice
and the educational process with preschool children.
The integration of methodical fields through the linking of several univer-
sity subjects is perceived as a much more complex learning environment for
students. This leads to a mutual and meaningful ‘joint participation in au-
thentic activity’ (Feiman-Nemser and Beasley 1997, 109), where students in
teams, together with professors, participate in constructing and deconstruct-
ing knowledge, thereby influencing the development of higher mental pro-
cesses, especially application in the context of the task, analysis, synthesis,
and creation of new solutions. In addition, this type of learning is immersed
in a cultural context and values, conflicting, interesting, aligned with action,
student styles, and at the same time it is individualized and collective expe-
rience, situational ‘learning-in-practice’ as stated by Lave (2009).
Inter-subject linking and instruction in the social context are increasingly rec-
ognized as important approach in initial preschool teacher education.
By organizing university classes in this way, we prepared with students
quality therapeutic fairy tales for children during the corona pandemic,
and through conducted qualitative micro-study based on interpretative ap-
proach, intended to look at student introspection. Students’ internal expe-
riences during cross-curricular work indicate that, despite initial insecurity
about the new approach and task, and its complexity, empathy and develop-
mental processes as motivators, the desire to act in the community, and the
self-therapeutic processes they went through to create a therapeutic fairy
tale were encouraged and contributed to students’ satisfaction in achieving
competencies. It is noted that this approach allows not only professional but
also personal growth of students.
This, as well as, our other studies of the process of inter-subject linking and
access to university teaching, indicate its contribution to the modernization
of university practice in the context of the preschool curriculum (Pribišev Be-
leslin, Šindić, and Vujić 2015), the innovation of the learning process (Šindić,
Pribišev-Beleslin, and Ratković 2019), connecting the higher education insti-
tution to the community to which it belongs (Šindić and Pribišev Beleslin
2015), and developing the professional competencies of future preschool
Positive students’ introspective responses indicate rich emotional and mo-
tivational processes during this model of university teaching based on inter-
subject linking, that could certainly be further explored through action re-