Page 405 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 405
Uporaba pristopa CLIL pri učenju in poučevanju naravoslovja in angleščine v vrtcu
Lake, K. 1994. »Integrated Curriculum.«
Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. 1999. Kurikulum za vrtce: predšolska vzgoja v vrt-
cih. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport.
Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. 2013. Program osnovna šola: tuji jezik v 1. razredu;
učni načrt. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport.
Saçkes, M., C. K. Trundle, R. L. Bell in A. A. O’Connell. 2011 »The Influence of
Early Science Experience in Kindergarten on Children’s Immediate and La-
ter Science Achievement: Evidence from the Early Childhood Longitudinal
Study.« Journal of Research in Science Teaching 48 (2): 217–235.
Shoemaker, B. J. E. 1989. »Integrative Education: A Curriculum for the Twenty-
First Century.« OSSC Bulletin 33 (2): 2.
Sicherl-Kafol, B. 2008. »Medpredmetno povezovanje v osnovni šoli.« Didakta
18–19 (november): 7–9.
Skela, J., in M. Dagarin Fojkar. 2009. »Presek teorij učenja in poučevanja dru-
gega/tujega jezika v otroštvu.« V Učenje in poučevanje dodatnih jezikov v
otroštvu, ur. K. Pižorn, 26–62. Ljubljana: Zavod republike Slovenije za šol-
Smajla, T. 2019. »Odnos do uvajanja vsebinsko in jezikovno integriranega uče-
nja tujega jezika v zgodjem obdobju.« Doktorska disertacija, Univerza na
Witt, S. D., in K. P. Kimple. 2008. »‘How Does Your Garden Grow?’ Teaching Pre-
school Children about Environment.« Early Childhood and Care 178 (1): 41–
The Use of CLIL Approach in Teaching and Learning Natural Science
and English in Kindergarten
The present paper investigates the way of planning cross-curricular activities
in order to meet learning goals from both fields (natural science and foreign
language). A kindergarten teacher and a teacher of English used a content and
language integrated learning approach (CLIL) to help the children learn about
senses and how we use them to perceive the environment. Thus, they acquired
the content in both languages, Slovenian and English. With this study, we also
wanted to find out the effectiveness of planned activities in terms of children’s
knowledge and motivation to participate in activities. The study involved pre-
school children (N = 15), aged 5 to 6 years. The data obtained were analysed
quantitatively, by means of a knowledge test, and qualitatively, by the tech-
nique of direct observation of children’s responses. The results showed that
cross-curricular learning had positive effects on children’s knowledge in both
fields. The activities also fostered children’s motivation to learn selected con-
Keywords: preschool education, CLIL, natural sciences, English, senses
Lake, K. 1994. »Integrated Curriculum.«
Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. 1999. Kurikulum za vrtce: predšolska vzgoja v vrt-
cih. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport.
Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. 2013. Program osnovna šola: tuji jezik v 1. razredu;
učni načrt. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport.
Saçkes, M., C. K. Trundle, R. L. Bell in A. A. O’Connell. 2011 »The Influence of
Early Science Experience in Kindergarten on Children’s Immediate and La-
ter Science Achievement: Evidence from the Early Childhood Longitudinal
Study.« Journal of Research in Science Teaching 48 (2): 217–235.
Shoemaker, B. J. E. 1989. »Integrative Education: A Curriculum for the Twenty-
First Century.« OSSC Bulletin 33 (2): 2.
Sicherl-Kafol, B. 2008. »Medpredmetno povezovanje v osnovni šoli.« Didakta
18–19 (november): 7–9.
Skela, J., in M. Dagarin Fojkar. 2009. »Presek teorij učenja in poučevanja dru-
gega/tujega jezika v otroštvu.« V Učenje in poučevanje dodatnih jezikov v
otroštvu, ur. K. Pižorn, 26–62. Ljubljana: Zavod republike Slovenije za šol-
Smajla, T. 2019. »Odnos do uvajanja vsebinsko in jezikovno integriranega uče-
nja tujega jezika v zgodjem obdobju.« Doktorska disertacija, Univerza na
Witt, S. D., in K. P. Kimple. 2008. »‘How Does Your Garden Grow?’ Teaching Pre-
school Children about Environment.« Early Childhood and Care 178 (1): 41–
The Use of CLIL Approach in Teaching and Learning Natural Science
and English in Kindergarten
The present paper investigates the way of planning cross-curricular activities
in order to meet learning goals from both fields (natural science and foreign
language). A kindergarten teacher and a teacher of English used a content and
language integrated learning approach (CLIL) to help the children learn about
senses and how we use them to perceive the environment. Thus, they acquired
the content in both languages, Slovenian and English. With this study, we also
wanted to find out the effectiveness of planned activities in terms of children’s
knowledge and motivation to participate in activities. The study involved pre-
school children (N = 15), aged 5 to 6 years. The data obtained were analysed
quantitatively, by means of a knowledge test, and qualitatively, by the tech-
nique of direct observation of children’s responses. The results showed that
cross-curricular learning had positive effects on children’s knowledge in both
fields. The activities also fostered children’s motivation to learn selected con-
Keywords: preschool education, CLIL, natural sciences, English, senses