Page 201 - Lesjak, Miha, Marijana Sikošek, Simon Kerma. Ur. 2020. Tematski turizem: teoretični in aplikativni primeru oblik turizma v svetu in Sloveniji. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 201
atere znacˇilnosti in izbrani ucˇinki križarjenj
Dolnicˇar, S. (2019, 23. oktober). Sustainable destinations: How to walk the 201
sustainable talk [predstavitev na konferenci]. 7th International Tou-
rism Conference Encuentros: Sustainable Destinations: Walking the
Sustainable Talk, Portorož, Slovenija.
Dowling, K. D. (2006). Cruise ship tourism. cabi International.
Gyr, U. (2010). Geschichte des Tourismus: Strukturen auf dem Weg zur
Moderne. Europäische Geschichte Online.
Griffith Institute for Tourism. (2017). Cruise ship emissions. https://www
Lukovic´, T. (2007). Nautical tourism – Definitions and dilemmas. Naše
more: znanstveni cˇasopis za more i pomorstvo, 54(1–2), 22–31.
Luxus auf See: Vom Beginn der Kreuzfahrt. (2016, 22. januar). ndr. https:
MedCruise. (2019). MedCruise yearbook 2019–2020 [brošura].
Orwell, M. (2017, 18. julij). How cruising has changed in the past 40 years:
Four decades after the love boat, the cruise industry continues to re-
invent itself. Conde Nest Traveller.
Perucˇic´, D. (2020). Analyses of the world cruise industry. Dubrovnik In-
ternational Economic Meeting, 5(1), 89–100.
Rodrigue, J. P. (2020). The geography of transport systems (5. izd.). Rou-
Qubein, R. (B. l.). Where are cruise ships built. Cruise Critic. https://www
Ship Technology. (2018, 21. maj). How are cruise operators preparing for
the imo sulphur cap?
Slovenski potniki, ki so s Titanikom zapluli na usodno potovanje. (2011,
17. december). mmc rtv slo.
Statista. (2019). Number of cruise passengers by source market worldwide
from 2005 to 2018 (in millions).
Statista. (2021). Number of ocean cruise passengers worldwide from 2009
to 2020.
Swinglehurst, E. (1974). The romantic journey: The story of Thomas Cook
and Victorian travel. Pica Editions.
Taylor, M. (2018, 26. september). Air pollution fears fuel fight against new
London cruise ship terminal. The Guardian. https://www
Dolnicˇar, S. (2019, 23. oktober). Sustainable destinations: How to walk the 201
sustainable talk [predstavitev na konferenci]. 7th International Tou-
rism Conference Encuentros: Sustainable Destinations: Walking the
Sustainable Talk, Portorož, Slovenija.
Dowling, K. D. (2006). Cruise ship tourism. cabi International.
Gyr, U. (2010). Geschichte des Tourismus: Strukturen auf dem Weg zur
Moderne. Europäische Geschichte Online.
Griffith Institute for Tourism. (2017). Cruise ship emissions. https://www
Lukovic´, T. (2007). Nautical tourism – Definitions and dilemmas. Naše
more: znanstveni cˇasopis za more i pomorstvo, 54(1–2), 22–31.
Luxus auf See: Vom Beginn der Kreuzfahrt. (2016, 22. januar). ndr. https:
MedCruise. (2019). MedCruise yearbook 2019–2020 [brošura].
Orwell, M. (2017, 18. julij). How cruising has changed in the past 40 years:
Four decades after the love boat, the cruise industry continues to re-
invent itself. Conde Nest Traveller.
Perucˇic´, D. (2020). Analyses of the world cruise industry. Dubrovnik In-
ternational Economic Meeting, 5(1), 89–100.
Rodrigue, J. P. (2020). The geography of transport systems (5. izd.). Rou-
Qubein, R. (B. l.). Where are cruise ships built. Cruise Critic. https://www
Ship Technology. (2018, 21. maj). How are cruise operators preparing for
the imo sulphur cap?
Slovenski potniki, ki so s Titanikom zapluli na usodno potovanje. (2011,
17. december). mmc rtv slo.
Statista. (2019). Number of cruise passengers by source market worldwide
from 2005 to 2018 (in millions).
Statista. (2021). Number of ocean cruise passengers worldwide from 2009
to 2020.
Swinglehurst, E. (1974). The romantic journey: The story of Thomas Cook
and Victorian travel. Pica Editions.
Taylor, M. (2018, 26. september). Air pollution fears fuel fight against new
London cruise ship terminal. The Guardian. https://www