Page 119 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 119
The Importance of Preschool Teacher-Child Attachment for Healthy Childhood Development

skills before entering school compared to insecurely attached preschool-
ers (Bergin and Bergin 2009). More specifically, Commodari (2013b) demon-
strated that children with secure preschool teacher attachment presented
better attention skills, in terms of higher reaction time and better selectivity
and maintenance. Mashburn et al. (2008) who examined the development
of academic, language and social skills among four-year-olds in preschool
programs found that positive and close preschool teacher-child interactions
may facilitate their school readiness. A recent study, exploring children’s rep-
resentations of attachment and positive teacher-child relationships, revealed
that a close attachment-relevant relationship with preschool teachers in
early childhood may be related to higher children’s verbal capacity (Verís-
simo et al. 2017).

According to several authors (Buyse et al. 2011; Cortazar and Herreros 2010;
Mortensen and Barnett 2015; Sierra 2012) early childhood education has an
extremely important role in child development, especially when it comes to
children from a deprived environment or at risk due to adverse caregiving
experiences. The author states that preschool teachers represent significant
attachment figures, which can create a safe and friendly environment that
promotes development and learning, as well as contributes to social accep-
tance of the child. Many studies have also shown that children’s attachment
to their mothers as their primary caregivers should not be always compared
to a teacher-child attachment. However, children can build a secure attach-
ment to other non-parental figures despite having experienced an insecure
parental attachment in the past (Pedditzi and Rollo 2014; Sierra 2012). Thus,
encouraging a secure preschool teacher-child attachment may compensate
an eventually anxious parental attachment (Cugmas 2010). High-quality early
childhood education and positive attachment to preschool teacher have
proven to be an important factor of compensation with children coming
from less supportive home environments in the sense of insufficient sensi-
tivity and responsiveness for the child’s needs.

Conclusions and Proposals for Applying Attachment Theory
in Early Childhood Education
There is a growing body of literature trying to integrate attachment the-
ory into early childhood settings (Cortezar and Herreros 2010; Niecki 2017;
Shirvanian and Michael 2017). In order to bridge attachment theory and
early childcare practice, Shirvanian and Michael (2017) highlight the impor-
tance of training and professional development within attachment theory
for preschool teachers. Research shows that interventions within attachment

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