Page 120 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 120
ra Dolenc

theory for preschool teachers, such as education and training programs en-
hance children’s secure attachment and sensitivity in the caregivers (Shir-
vanian and Michael 2017). Pedditzi and Rollo (2014) suggest that additional
teacher training should be introduced to early childhood education which
would allow preschool teachers to learn about attachment theory in order
to identify actual characteristics of a secure attachment and consequently
respond appropriately to children’s needs.

A child’s transition to childcare or kindergarten represents the first expe-
rience away from home with an alternate caregiver. Thus, attachment the-
ory allows for an adequate explanation of a child separation anxiety. Taking
into account the principles of the theory, teachers can alleviate children’s dis-
tress also by letting parents be present in the group for a few days during the
settling-in period. A child can be also encouraged to bring a favorite toy or
other objects which have the role of a transitory object that replaces home
environment and parents, and make a child feel safe and more easily com-
forted during parental absence.

Some children experience the transition to kindergarten even before at-
tachment is fully developed, therefore, consistency in caregiving is essen-
tial for the child’s attachment (Goldberg, Muir, and Kerr 2013). For this rea-
son, the practice of keeping a group of children with the same teacher for
more than a year has the potential to provide a consistent caregiver during
the young child’s critical period of attachment and emotional development
(Nitecki 2017). Cugmas (2010) assumes that preschool teachers can help re-
lieve children’s distress due to separation from their parents with using sym-
bolic play or through storytelling. Preschool teachers who become familiar
with attachment theory have better insight into the structure and dynamics
of relationships between children and caregivers and therefore, better un-
derstand children’s behavior. Teachers can also evaluate how children’s be-
haviors relate to the quality of parental attachment by observing the reac-
tions of children and their parents after morning separation and after reunion
when parents come to pick their children up from kindergarten.

Early childhood educators can play an important compensatory role for
the most vulnerable children with insecure attachment patterns with pri-
mary caregivers. They can foster secure secondary attachment offering a pre-
dictable environment, consistent and sensitive care, appropriate frequent
physical contacts, and a space where needs, emotions, and temperament
characteristics of children are recognized (Cortezar and Herreros 2010; Shir-
vanian and Michael 2017).

Higher education can also play an important role by including more spe-

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