Page 301 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 301
rning Mathematics and Language through an Integrated Approach in Preschool Education

Table 1 Descriptive Statistics: Integrating Preschool Mathematics Activities with Other
Areas of Knowledge

Areas of knowledge      M SD
Language development . .
     . .
Getting to know one’s () () () () () . .
environment . .
Music education      . .
() () () () ()
Art education
    
Physical education () () () () ()

    
() () () () ()

    
() () () () ()

Results and Discussion

The first research task was to determine the extent to which preschool teach-
ers integrate learning activities within preschool mathematics education and
language development with regard to other areas of knowledge. Preschool
teachers are on a scale of 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest) evaluated the degree of
integration learning activities of mathematical educational and other areas
of knowledge. Results show that preschool teachers most frequently inte-
grate activities related to preschool mathematics education with language
development (M = 1.84), followed by getting to know one’s environment (M =
2.11) (table 1). The third most frequent form of integration is integration with
physical education (M = 3.47), whereas activities within mathematics educa-
tion are seldom integrated with activities related to music education (M = 3.75)
and art education (M = 3.83).

Results also validate our theoretical assumptions on the role and impor-
tance of integrating activities of mathematics education and language devel-
opment. This means teachers are able to recognise and understand the con-
nection between language development and mathematics education, and
behave accordingly. Another proof of the validity of this practice in preschool
mathematics education is the fact that, besides integrating activities related
to mathematical content, preschool teachers also frequently integrate activ-
ities aimed at becoming familiar with one’s environment. Through literary
content, teachers create a basis for familiarising children with mathematical
concepts, and by including activities aimed at familiarising oneself with one’s
environment, they link mathematics to real life and allow children to apply
mathematical knowledge in practice. This way, they bridge the gap between

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