Page 306 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 306
ja M. Maričić and Mirjana M. Stakić

membership), but also relations between sets. Literary content for children is
least used for developing geometric concepts, the concept of measurements
and for familiarising children with units of measurement, which stems from the
fact that developing these concepts relies on practical activities, i. e. utilisa-
tion of didactic materials and tools that can be found in the immediate envi-
ronment, so their models are already available to children and don’t require
additional context.

Analysis of teachers’ opinions with regard to their professional experience,
level of education and model of education used shows there are no statisti-
cally significant differences among these groups. Looking at table 6, we can
see there are no statistically significant differences in preschool teachers’ at-
titudes with regard to the independent variables.

Results of our survey show that in preschool practice in Serbia, activities
aimed at mathematics education are most frequently integrated with ac-
tivities aimed at speech and language development of preschool children.
Preschool teachers utilise literary content for children for this purpose, pri-
marily short prose and poetic texts. Their suitability stems from their content
which is interesting and familiar to children, but at the same time packed
with mathematical examples conducive to the development of the concept
of number, concept of set and spatial relations. In addition, these literary
forms with integrated mathematical concepts help in language develop-
ment through retelling, descriptions, dramatisation, etc, all of which is aimed
at improving children’s comprehension. Children practice correct articula-
tion and discrimination of speech sounds, enrich and expand their vocab-
ulary, and practice correct usage of morphological forms of word on lexical
combinations realised within a sentence. At the same time, they enrich and
develop their sentence, gradually increasing the number of sentence ele-
ments. It is a teacher’s duty to devise and plan these activities in detail, to
find suitable literary texts that can be used as the starting point in the in-
tegration of mathematics education and language development. Despite
the fact many literary texts could be used for this purpose, there are other
criteria they need to meet, e. g. they need to be suitable for preschool age
and they need to meet the aesthetic criteria. This is why we recommend ex-
perts involved in the integration of language development and mathematics
education should make a selection of appropriate literary texts containing
teaching methods and methodology-related instructions that would greatly
facilitate the efforts of preschool teachers.

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