Page 305 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 305
Learning Mathematics and Language through an Integrated Approach in Preschool Education

Table 6 F test: Teachers’ Attitudes on Content Integrated with Other Areas of Knowledge
with Regard to their Professional Experience, Level of Education and Model of
Education Used

Areas Professional Level of education Model of preschool
experience education

Number F(, ) = . F(, ) = . F(, ) = .
Set p = . p = . p = .
Spatial relations F(, ) = . F(, ) = . F(, ) = .
Measurements p = . p = . p = .

F(, ) = . F(, ) = . F(, ) = .
p = . p = . p = .

F(, ) = . F(, ) = . F(, ) = .
p = . p = . p = .

F(, ) = . F(, ) = . F(, ) = .
p = . p = . p = .

for children as scaffolding to help children develop the concept of number,
(M = 2.22), to develop the concept of set (M = 2.59), and spatial relations (size
and position) (M = 2.69). Literary content is least frequently used to develop
concepts related to geometry (M = 3.51) and measurements (M = 3.99) (table 5).

The fact that teachers most frequently use literary content to develop the
concept of number makes perfect sense. Numbers from 1 to 10 appear quite
often in preschool mathematics education in comparison to other content.
In addition, there are numerous elements in children’s literature that can be
used to develop and understand the concept of numbers, their structure, po-
sition in a sequence, relationship with other numbers. Picture books can be
used for this purpose because they are filled with sets whose cardinal num-
ber represents a natural number, poetic texts easy to memorise, stories where
we repeatedly encounter a set whose cardinal number is the number chil-
dren are trying to develop, short literary forms which teach children to count
and name numbers, or fairy tales which have symbolic numbers that repeat
over and over again (e. g. seven towers, seven seas, seven mountains, seven
dwarves, seven little goats, etc.). From the aspect of language development,
children name the concept of number within the context of a sentence, as
the most common unit of communication; they use the concept in its differ-
ent morphological forms and lexical combinations with other word classes,
thus spontaneously adopting congruence and correct word usage in every-
day communication.

The second most common usage of literary content in preschool mathe-
matics education is to develop the basic elements of the set theory (element,

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