Page 302 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 302
ja M. Maričić and Mirjana M. Stakić

Table 2 F-test: Differences in Teacher Attitudes on Integrated Teaching in Preschool
Education with Regard to Professional Experience, Level of Education and Model of
Preschool Education

Areas of knowledge Professional Level of education Model of preschool
experience education
Language development F(,) = .
F(,) = . p = . F(,) = .
Getting to know one’s p = . F(,) = . p = .
environment p = .
Music education F(,) = . F(,) = . F(,) = .
p = . p = , p = .
Art education F(,) = .
F(,) = . p = , F(,) = .
Physical education p = . F(,) = . p = ,
p = .
F(,) = . F(,) = .
p = . p = ,

F(,) = . F(,) = .
p = . p = .

children’s interests and mathematics, making mathematics more familiar and
understandable to the child’s outlook on the world, but also creating a strong
bond between mathematics and one’s actual environment, which helps chil-
dren understand this science and recognise ways to implement it in everyday

Analysing the opinions of preschool teachers with regard to the indepen-
dent variable (professional experience, level of education and model of ed-
ucation) (table 2), we determined teachers are united in their attitudes on
the integration of activities aimed at developing mathematical concepts and
activities related to other areas of knowledge. The only statistically signifi-
cant differences exist between teachers who work in different models of ed-
ucation (F(1,198) = 5.253; p = 0.024), and they are reflected in their opinions
about the frequency of integrating activities related to physical education
and activities aimed at developing mathematical concepts. Teachers work-
ing by model A integrate activities related to physical education with ac-
tivities aimed at developing mathematical concepts more frequently than
teachers working by model B.

Results we obtained are the best proof preschool teachers share the opin-
ion on the importance of integration between language development and
elementary mathematical concepts, and the proof they actually organise and
undertake activities aimed at integrating these two areas of knowledge.

We wanted to examine which literary forms are used most frequently for
developing mathematical concepts. We offered the following literary forms
in the questionnaire: poetic text, prose text (stories, fairy tales, fables, etc.), short

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