Page 304 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 304
ja M. Maričić and Mirjana M. Stakić

Table 5 Descriptive Statistics: Implementation of Literary Content for Children in Different
Areas of Preschool Mathematics Education

Areas  M SD
Number . .
Set      . .
Geometry (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) . .
Spatial relations . .
Measurements      . .
(.) (.) (.) (.) (.)

    
(.) (.) (.) (.) (.)

    
(.) (.) (.) (.) (.)

    
(.) (.) (.) (.) (.)

ent life events, human and children’s feelings, love, kindness, play, friendship,
human altruism and humanity, love for parents and animals, imaginative and
picturesque events, cheerful humour and painted scenes, flora and fauna, fic-
tional worlds, sympathy and the first secret, are some of the common themes
of children’s literature’ (Stakić 2014, 245). The topics mentioned above create
a picturesque world a child can envision and complement through imagina-
tion, a place he/she can escape into, or identify with the heroes. From the
standpoint of language, this contributes to the development of all linguistic
elements, i. e. phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic. All of the above
also has a positive psychological effect on children, because a first contact
with prose texts occurs in an environment where the child feels safe and
loved, in the family when parents read fairy tales to their children. This also
represents the first spontaneous effort toward language development. Re-
search studies also indicate that reading books together provides the first
context in which children and their parents can participate in mathematical
conversations (Anderson, Anderson, and Shapiro 2005)

The goal of the third task was to examine areas of preschool mathematics
education where the literary content for children was used most frequently.
The question for preschool teachers was defined as following – In what ar-
eas of preschool mathematics education do you most frequently integrate
literary content for children? – and the available answers were the follow-
ing: numbers, sets, geometry, relations, measurements, ranked from 1 (most fre-
quently) to 5 (least frequently) in descending order. Based on this task, we
set up a hypothesis: preschool teachers implement literary content for children
most frequently to help children develop the concept of number.

The data we obtained show that teachers commonly use literary content

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