Page 303 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 303
rning Mathematics and Language through an Integrated Approach in Preschool Education

Table 3 Descriptive Statistics: Presence of Literary Forms in Mathematical Concept

Literary forms     M SD
Poetic text . .
Prose text     . .
Short literary forms () () () () . .
Drama text . .
   
() () () ()

   
() () () ()

   
() () () ()

Table 4 F test: Attitudes of Preschool Teachers about Literary Forms Most Frequently Used
in the Development of Mathematical Concepts with Regard to Professional
Experience, Level of Education and Model of Education Used

Literary forms Professional Level of education Model of preschool
Poetic text experience education
Prose text F(,) = .
Short literary forms F(,) = . p = . F(,) = .
Drama text p = . F(,) = . p = .
p = .
F(,) = . F(,) = . F(,) = .
p = . p = . p = .
F(,) = .
F(,) = . p = . F(,) = .
p = . p = .

F(,) = . F(,) = .
p = . p = .

literary forms (riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, etc.) and drama text,
ranked from 1 (highest ranking) to 4 (lowest ranking) by the frequency with
which a literary form appears in mathematical concept development.

Results show that the most frequently used literary forms in preschool
mathematics education are prose text (M = 1.80), followed by poetic text (M
= 2.69), drama text (M = 2.73), and finally, short literary forms (M = 2.73).

Statistical analysis shows that preschool teachers with different profes-
sional experience, level of education and working by different models are
united in their outlook and that there are no statistically significant differ-
ences in their attitudes (table 4).

The data show teachers most frequently use prose texts, including stories,
fairy tales, fables, etc. for mathematical concept development. This makes
sense, given the nature of children on the one hand, and the content of prose
texts for children on the other hand. The subject matter of prose texts is fa-
miliar and relatable to children. ‘Apart from the world of childhood and differ-

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