Page 143 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 143
e individuals suffering from mental anguish and emotional pain. She has joined
Shout, a prominent British charity organisation, which offers psychological support
and advice to those in need through an online platform. This type of work is by no
means easy, but is invaluable and socially relevant.

Our graduates

Janja Zorko has managed to put into practice two types of competencies gained
while studying at our department. She works as an office manager in Aioss, an in-
ternational company specialised in information technologies, and a successful trans-
lator in the fields of archaeology, history and tourism. She is also active as a volun-
teer (Eurobasket, the Harnas Foundation in Namibia, the Capris Skiing Club). Janja
is completing a PhD in Language and Interculturality, researching the topic of trans-
lating style and translation shifts.

Some highlights

We are especially proud of our multi-annual cooperation with the Kino Otok film
festival. This cooperation takes place in two ways: some of our students trans-
late films for the annual festival, while others work as festival volunteers perform-
ing other tasks. As part of our cooperation, we organise an annual subtitling work-
shop with Daša Cerar and Maja Lovrenov, experienced translators, who introduce
students to the practice of subtitling for film festivals and discuss the potential chal-

We encourage interdisciplinary cooperation between the University of Primorska’s
member institutions, as demonstrated by the SMeART international project (Eras-
mus+). This collaborative translation project brought together students from differ-
ent faculties of the UP working on a translation of the model and guidelines for busi-
ness cooperation between universities and industry. Our Language Mediation and
Translation Master’s degree students took on and successfully completed the de-
manding task of providing quality assurance for the entire translation.

Assist. Prof. Ana Zwitter Vitez, PhD, Head

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