Page 94 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 94
ja Maričić, Nenad Milinković, and Snežana Marinković

sults also showed that 95.7 of teachers independently prepared materials
used in the implementation of online mathematics teaching. We can say
that the class teachers, despite their lack of experience in the implementa-
tion of this type of teaching, still coped well with the use of certain tools and

Whatever online model of teaching is used, it is necessary to provide op-
portunities and ways for teachers to maintain regular contacts with students
and achieve relationships of mutual trust, care and support. Only in this way,
can positive effects of online teaching and digital environment be expected.
Based on that, we can conclude that both students and teachers need con-
tinuous training and professional development in using various tools, appli-
cations and platforms for the organization of online teaching and learning.
Therefore, it is necessary to work on the development of unique platforms
and high-quality online contents and materials that would enable greater
independence in use by students. In this way, the position of students in the
learning process moves from the one where they only accept ready-made
facts, to the one where students actively participate in the learning process
and are encouraged to think actively.

Whether distance learning will remain an integral part of school practice
or it will disappear with the cessation of the epidemiological situation which
caused it, is a question that bothers all participants in the educational pro-
cess (teachers, students and parents). It is interesting that the research of the
Institute for the Advancement of Education of the Republic of Serbia (Zavod
za unapređivanje obrazovanja i vaspitanja 2020) shows that 52.4 of respon-
dents believe that distance learning should be systematically introduced in
schools, but as a supplement to the regular teaching process, while 29.65
believe that teaching should return to the format carried out before the in-
troduction of the state of emergency. Our research showed that as many as
72.3 of surveyed teachers would gladly use online teaching as a supple-
ment to regular classes. These results showed that teachers were able to rec-
ognize the value of online teaching, but despite all that, they still prefer reg-
ular teaching in which they see the use of digital resources and online teach-
ing as a supplement. It is certain that ‘learned from this experience [is that]
educators must be prepared for future challenges’ (Mihajlović, Vulović, and
Maričić 2021, 514). The real effects, as well as the quality of knowledge stu-
dents acquired in such teaching, are certainly principal questions for all those
who directly or indirectly deal with the theory and practice of education. One
should bear in mind that continuous training and professional development
need to be an imperative of education.

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