Page 112 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 112
a Pavletić, Klara Šumenjak, and Jana Volk
suit) – trenerka (en. female coach). App users identify the correct
meaning of these terms from the context.
Advantages and Shortcomings of the App
In the following paragraphs, the authors wish to present the advantages
and shortcomings of the Slovenian language learning exercises devised for
the LanGuide app based (also) on the results of two questionnaires: the
questionnaire Learning languages with the LanGuide App – Feedback Form,³
a survey for the app testers and the LanGuides l o⁴ survey prepared by
Pavletić, Šumenjak, and Volk for testing the Slovenian module.
The users filled in the survey Learning languages with the LanGuide App
– Feedback Form after they had finished testing the app. The questionnaire
asked the users for demographic data, user’s experience feedback and eval-
uation of the various features in terms of the teaching approach adopted,
as well as their assessment from a linguistic point of view (for more infor-
mation on the questionnaire see Načinović Prskalo et al., 2022 and Čebron
& Sorgo, forthcoming). The survey was filled by 181 users, 11 answers relate
to the Slovenian module. More users tried to test the app for the Slove-
nian language but were unable to do so due to various, mainly technical,
reasons. Therefore, the authors of the article made a shorter LanGuideslo
questionnaire to determine why users were not able to test the app. The
LanGuideslo questionnaire first asks demographic questions and later fo-
cuses on the reasons why users were not able to test the app. The question-
naire was filled by 28 users, 64 of which were not able to install the app
as they used the i o s operating system, 29 were able to install it but the
app did not work, and 7 were not able to install the app at all.
The authors of this article evaluated critically the results of the surveys,
based on their personal observations. The shortcomings of the app can
roughly be divided into two types, i.e. those related to technology and
those related to content.
Technical Shortcomings
1. The fact that the app was not accessible for all types of operational
systems has proved a major technical shortcoming of the app accord-
ing to both surveys (the official Learning languages with the LanGuide
suit) – trenerka (en. female coach). App users identify the correct
meaning of these terms from the context.
Advantages and Shortcomings of the App
In the following paragraphs, the authors wish to present the advantages
and shortcomings of the Slovenian language learning exercises devised for
the LanGuide app based (also) on the results of two questionnaires: the
questionnaire Learning languages with the LanGuide App – Feedback Form,³
a survey for the app testers and the LanGuides l o⁴ survey prepared by
Pavletić, Šumenjak, and Volk for testing the Slovenian module.
The users filled in the survey Learning languages with the LanGuide App
– Feedback Form after they had finished testing the app. The questionnaire
asked the users for demographic data, user’s experience feedback and eval-
uation of the various features in terms of the teaching approach adopted,
as well as their assessment from a linguistic point of view (for more infor-
mation on the questionnaire see Načinović Prskalo et al., 2022 and Čebron
& Sorgo, forthcoming). The survey was filled by 181 users, 11 answers relate
to the Slovenian module. More users tried to test the app for the Slove-
nian language but were unable to do so due to various, mainly technical,
reasons. Therefore, the authors of the article made a shorter LanGuideslo
questionnaire to determine why users were not able to test the app. The
LanGuideslo questionnaire first asks demographic questions and later fo-
cuses on the reasons why users were not able to test the app. The question-
naire was filled by 28 users, 64 of which were not able to install the app
as they used the i o s operating system, 29 were able to install it but the
app did not work, and 7 were not able to install the app at all.
The authors of this article evaluated critically the results of the surveys,
based on their personal observations. The shortcomings of the app can
roughly be divided into two types, i.e. those related to technology and
those related to content.
Technical Shortcomings
1. The fact that the app was not accessible for all types of operational
systems has proved a major technical shortcoming of the app accord-
ing to both surveys (the official Learning languages with the LanGuide