Page 162 - Lepičnik Vodopivec Jurka, Mezgec Maja. Ur. 2023. Vseživljenjsko učenje odraslih za trajnostni razvoj in digitalni preboj. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 162
ka Lepičnik Vodopivec, Maja Mezgec in Aleksandra Šindić
found that the interviewed kindergarten teachers are weaker in recognizing
the three-dimensional construct of sustainability than in realizing it in a real
kindergarten environment. Although we cannot generalize the results, we can
nevertheless conclude that in this area it is absolutely necessary to approach
systematic and designed lifelong learning if we want to implement the per-
spective of Agenda 2030.
Keywords: sustainability, understanding, implementation, kindergarten teach-

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