Page 652 - Poštuvan Vita, Cerce Mojca. Ur. 2023. Psiholog v dilemi: eticne vsebine in eticna zavest v praksi. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 652
psiholog v dilemi: etične vsebine in etična zavest v praksi
Ethics in Psychology: Basic Concepts and Principles
People have different needs, interests, attitudes, and political
affiliations. Therefore, their answers to the questions, ‘What is the
appropriate way to react?’ or ‘What is a considered a good act (in
a certain situation)?’ can be different. There is a social consensus
on what is good and what is bad in some social situations. In these
we usually have the least doubts as to what is (or should be) the
right thing to do. For professional work in the field of psychology,
it is important that the behaviour of professionals is not left only
to personal ethical standards, but follows professional ethics. To
understand ethically sensitive situations it is important to have
a basic knowledge of the concepts of ethics in general, as well as
their related application to psychology.
Keywords: ethical principle, ethical awareness, ethical practice,
ethically sensitive topic, ethical decision making models, ethical
Development of Ethical Standards in Psychology:
Slovenian and International Experiences
With the development of psychology as a science and a professional
field, the need for ethical codes arose. The first code was developed
by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1953, later
followed by other countries. At the European level, the development
of the common code took about five years and was adopted as the
EFPA MetaCode in 1995. In 2015, the same organisation developed
a Model Code that further defines the implementation of ethical
principles in practise. In Slovenia, the first code was developed in
1982, the second 20 years later. The current version of the Code of
Psychologists’ Professional Ethics (Društvo psihologov Slovenije,
2019) was adopted in 2018 and is recognised by the EFPA Ethics
Committee as being in line with the Meta-Code (2005).
Keywords: ethical standards, ethical code, European Federation of
Psychologists‘ Association