Page 656 - Poštuvan Vita, Cerce Mojca. Ur. 2023. Psiholog v dilemi: eticne vsebine in eticna zavest v praksi. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 656
psiholog v dilemi: etične vsebine in etična zavest v praksi
They also stress the problem that some psychologists are not
members of professional bodies. The chapter offers concrete
examples of ethical violations. It also provides a critical view of
some code articles, directions for the content of the ethical codes
and suggestions for an ethical psychology practice.
Keywords: sexual boundary violations, counsellors’ aggressiveness,
the question of confidentiality, reporting illegal practices,
dilemmas in work with adolescents
Ethical Content in the Work of a Psychologist
at Social Work Centres
We present examples of ethical dilemmas in the areas of dual roles,
conflicts of interest between the child and the legal representative,
which are very common in the work of a psychologist at social
work centres. The dilemmas in the area of dual roles are dilemmas
in the exercise of statutory public powers to protect the interests
of children and the implementation of counselling work in terms
of helping individuals, couples and the whole family. The dilemma
is related to the already established confidential relationship with
the users of the counselling service and the simultaneous role of
verifying the best interests of the children within the procedures
of the legal powers of the centre for social work. We also present an
example of a dilemma in the field of conflict of interest between a
child and their legal representative, estimating that there is a high
probability that the child will be exposed to emotional pressure
and distress if his legal representative is familiar with the content
and data contained in psychological documentation.
Keywords: ethical sensitivity at social work centers, coflict of
interests, dual role of the psyhologist, benefit of the child,
dilemmas in the transmission of confidential information
Ethical Content in the Work of a Psychologist
in Protective Work Centres
In the paper, we introduce the work of a psychologist in the field of
social care, namely in a day care centre with a focus on professional
work with service users − adults with intellectual disabilities. In