Page 658 - Poštuvan Vita, Cerce Mojca. Ur. 2023. Psiholog v dilemi: eticne vsebine in eticna zavest v praksi. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 658

psiholog v dilemi: etične vsebine in etična zavest v praksi

                 (person-organization fit). When guided by this guideline at work,
                 smaller ethical dilemmas can be expected since the psychologists
                 will act in the best interest of both the individual as well as the
                 organisation. The authors also point out the importance of sharing
                 situations that present a challenge to psychologists and, together
                 with the others, to find examples of good practices that help them
                 in their everyday work and behaviour.
                 Keywords: psychologist in working organisation, human
                 development, organisational climate, recruitment

                 Ethical Content in the Work of a Psychologist
                 in Occupational Medicine, Transport and Sports

                 The work of a psychologist in the field of occupational health
                 protection, which includes activities in the area of occupational,
                 traffic and sports medicine, focuses on identifying and providing
                 appropriate behaviours that protect the health of the employee,
                 colleagues, environment and user. It is crucial to participate in the
                 risk assessment process, which includes identifying requirements
                 and burdens in the workplace and the psychological evaluation of
                 the individual, their functioning and ability to behave effectively
                 and safely. The legislation lays down framework regulations. In
                 the process of work, the psychologist is left with a professional
                 assessment of the individual’s functioning in such a way as to
                 enable the protection of their health and the provision of safety.
                 There may be a gap between the individual’s current interest and the
                 psychologist’s realistic assessment of the individual’s functioning.
                 An impeccable professional evaluation of the individual’s
                 function in the assessment process is essential. The review
                 must be done objectively, considering the diagnostic procedures
                 and the psychological evaluation. Professional performance of
                 the psychological examination and assessment of the function
                 prevents the creation of moral debt due to a possible gap between
                 the wishes of the person under review and the professional
                 judgment of the psychologist conducting the evaluation.
                 Keywords:  work requirements and strain, ensuring safety in
                 workplace and traffic, ensuring safe behavior, assessment of

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