Page 663 - Poštuvan Vita, Cerce Mojca. Ur. 2023. Psiholog v dilemi: eticne vsebine in eticna zavest v praksi. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 663
selection of psychodiagnostic instruments, treatment of the
child, psychological criteria in assessing the benefit of a child,
communication with participants, and preparation and structure
of the expert opinion. In the introduction, the current situation at
the systemic level, or within the framework of the psychological
profession, is also presented.
Keywords: forensic expertise in family proceedings, psychological
assessment of parental fitness, expert opinion, ethical violations
in forensic expertise, family psychology
Ethical Content in Psychology Research
The pursuit of new knowledge is a valuable human endeavour.
When it is based on systematic and empirical research, it is an
important means of advancing science. Research in psychology
spans all branches of the discipline and encompasses a wide range
of research methods, which vary according to the problem and
the area studied. Despite the differences in research methods,
the common goal of psychological research is to gain a better
understanding of the world we live in, the events we experience
and, above all, the human experience in all its intrapersonal and
interpersonal aspects. The knowledge gained from psychological
research brings many benefits and invaluable insights into the
causes of human behaviour, emotions and thoughts, as well as
many related phenomena and the relationships between them.
The ethical dilemmas in psychological research are many and
varied. They concern, on the one hand, the relationship with
research participants and, on the other, the proper conduct of
research procedures to ensure the validity of scientific findings. In
practise, frequent issues are related to appropriate research design
and their implementation, including data collection and storage,
and ensuring non-biased research processes. The use of modern
technologies in research also raises new issues that require in-
depth consideration to ensure ethical research practises.
Keywords: research ethics, reliability, validity, informed consent,
ethics committee