Page 660 - Poštuvan Vita, Cerce Mojca. Ur. 2023. Psiholog v dilemi: eticne vsebine in eticna zavest v praksi. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 660
psiholog v dilemi: etične vsebine in etična zavest v praksi
ethical principles defined in the Code of Professional Ethics for
Psychologists can solve many of these challenges. Some ethical
issues, however, require careful consideration because they
may be new, multifaceted, unique, unexpected, or even initially
unrecognized. Police psychology, which deals with the application
of psychological knowledge in law enforcement, is an example of
one of the specialist areas of psychology that faces such ethical
challenges (Zelig, 1988). The article sheds light on the most common
ethical dilemmas faced by Slovenian psychologists, employees
of the police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It points out
concrete examples of ethical dilemmas and ways of solving them,
and proposes solutions for dealing with such ethical challenges as
efficiently and professionally as possible in the future.
Keywords: police psychology, psychological assessment, role
conflicts, zagotavljanje zaupnosti, varovanje podatkov
Ethical Content in the Work of a Psychologist
in Crisis Situations Following Accidents
Providing psychological support in natural disasters is one of the
key elements of a comprehensive response in the event of a crisis
situation. Crisis situations are unexpected events in which there
may be a higher risk for the safety of people and property. They
require a quick response from rescue teams. The conditions in which
psychologists work can often be unfavourable and unpredictable.
In mass accidents, however, we also encounter a larger number of
people who are in more or less severe mental distress, at least for
a short time. Psychological first aid stimulates the short-term and
long-term adaptation of a person in a crisis situation and prevents
more severe negative consequences. When intervening in conflict
situations, various aspects of ethical standards can be violated, e.g.
obtaining informed consent, managing documentation, ensuring
and respecting confidentiality, ensuring equal access to support,
as well as the lack of competence to provide psychological support
in crisis situations.
Keywords: crisis, psychological first aid, civil protection, mass
accidents, trustee, rescuers