Page 217 - Koderman, Miha, Poklar, Mojca, ur. 2023. Geografsko raziskovanje slovenske Istre 2. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 217
The monograph Geographical Research of Slovene Istria 2 presents the re-
sults of various researches carried out during the pedagogical process in
the last decade by the members of the Department of Geography of the
Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska. The common denomina-
tor of the topics covered in five chapters by different authors is the area of
the Slovene Istria, which is a unique field for extensive geographical rese-
arch. The second common trait is that all the researches were planned and
undertaken during either field or indoor research work with the students.
Using selected methods, they came up with interesting results with the
help of mentors from the Department. In this way, the monograph re-
presents a conceptual continuation of research published in Geographical
Research of Slovene Istria 1 in 2021.
The first chapter encompasses a study of Slovenian coastal vulnera-
bility considering the rising sea level, which is a consequence of global
warming. Adapting to climate change as well as the sea level rise repre-
sents an inevitable fact and one of the greatest challenges for coastal re-
gions worldwide. This is the reason for the assessment and observation
of coastal vulnerability being the topic of numerous studies. The chap-
ter presents the results of the Slovenian coastal vulnerability analysis
and mapping, where the predominant abrasive type of coast is exposed
to more intense abrasion, while the low-lying coastal areas are exposed
to more frequent and extensive flooding. For the assessment, the authors
used the Physical Vulnerability Index and GIS to estimate the impact of
selected physical indicators on the vulnerability of individual coastal se-
gments. They calculated that 5.7% of the coast could be classified as highly
vulnerable and 2.9% as very highly vulnerable.
The second chapter focuses on the settlements of Lucija and Sveti
Peter in the municipality of Piran. They were analysed from the point of
view of their recent spatial development and represent an example of ur-
ban and rural settlements in the Slovene Istria that have been exposed to
intensive spatial development in comparison to other areas in Slovenia
since the second half of the 20th century. The authors observed the spati-
al development using aerial photographs from four different years betwe-
en 1954 and 2020. For the analysis, they focused on the changes in the
Koderman, M., in M. Poklar, ur. 2023. Geografsko raziskovanje slovenske Istre 2.
Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.