Page 219 - Koderman, Miha, Poklar, Mojca, ur. 2023. Geografsko raziskovanje slovenske Istre 2. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 219
poor infrastructure. The authors conducted a questionnaire-based survey
among the residents and structured interviews among the selected in-
dividuals. They researched the level of satisfaction with the quality of
life, as well as advantages and disadvantages of living in a rural area.
They were interested in their opinions about the aging of the populati-
on, obstacles in the settlement of young people, and their wishes abo-
ut settlement development by defining the areas the locals see as promi-
sing and based upon which they want to build the future development of
their communities. The results showed that the residents want to enco-
urage the development of activities that would offer them opportuniti-
es for employment or self-employment, and that would contribute to the
preservation of the cultural landscape. The opportunities were recogni-
zed in the development of “boutique” and active tourism, tourism con-
nected with agriculture, gastronomy and cultural heritage.
The monograph can be used by professional geographers as well as
other interested readers who follow present-day processes and events
in the Slovene Istria. The selected results can be useful for strategic de-
velopers and decision makers in the areas of climate change, spatial de-
velopment of urban and rural areas, and promoting tourism and other
activities on local and regional levels. Since the work presents original
findings in various geographic topics it can be a useful tool for geography
and other teachers, as well as for the students who study the natural and
human characteristics of this unique area.