Page 183 - Homo senescens II: izbrane teme
P. 183

Mednarodni festival znanja in kulture starejših

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                  International Festival of Knowledge and Culture in Later Life –
                  For Participation in the Community and Entering the Public Space
                  The Slovenian Third Age University develops and enables a modern, develop-
                  mental view of life after retirement, which opens up opportunities for older
                  people for further personal development, setting new life goals, weaving new
                  social ties and active work for the benefit of the community. For social groups
                  such as olderpeople, whoare notatthe forefrontofpublicand mediaatten-
                  tion, it is important to have the opportunity to enter public spaces in order to
                  become visible and recognized. Therefore, the Slovenian Third Age University
                  organizes public events, such as the International Festival of Knowledge and
                  Culture in Later Life, exhibitions, public presentations of research learning, lit-
                  erary anthologies, plays and other works created by students. A special place is
                  occupied by the International Festival of Knowledge and Culture in Later Life,
                  which opens the possibility of recognition and entering the public space for
                  older people. The festival provides an opportunity for third age universities to
                  present their research and cultural creations to the general public, making the
                  festival of great value for raising public awareness of the importance and value
                  of education and performance of older people in the community.
                  Keywords: third age university, education of older people, social inclusion, re-
                  search learning, International Festival of Knowledge and Culture in Later Life

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