Page 570 - Pedagoška vizija / A Pedagogical Vision
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Mathematics Teaching from the Neolithic to the Digital Age
Mathematics is one of the oldest and most useful sciences for humanity. It be-
gan to develop in the Neolithic period and then accelerated in ancient civiliza-
tions in China, India, Babylon, Egypt, Ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire,
ment of societies and sciences of various kinds, mathematics education, which
we present in this paper, has also developed throughout history. For mathe-
matics, the beginning was about numbers, and only then did people begin
first to discover and later teach calculating operations. In the twentieth cen-
tury, based on the theoretical foundations of cognitive and constructivist the-
which are Bruner’smodel of the acquisition of mathematical concepts; Gagné’s
taxonomies of mathematical content; modern ways of teaching and learning
(exploratory and problem-based learning, experiential learning, active learn-
ing, etc.); and the introduction of data processing. At the turn of the twenty-
centre stage in mathematics education.
Keywords: history, mathematics education, numeracy, mathematical literacy,
educational technology