Page 13 - Enakost, pravičnost in vključevalnost spolov v akademskem okolju
P. 13

Irena Weber                    »Ona je iz vzhodne Evrope«: o spolu in geografiji srečanja na potovanju
          Univerza na Primorskem,        Leta 1993 sem del šestmesečnega potovanja po Mehiki in Srednji Ameriki delila
          Fakulteta za turistične študije – Turistica,
                                         s škotsko zdravnico. Ob vsaki priložnosti, ko so domačini vprašali, od kod priha-
                                         java, je rekla: »Jaz sem iz Škotske, ona je pa iz vzhodne Evrope,« pri tem pa pou-
          University of Primorska, Faculty
                                         darila besedo »vzhodne«. Poudarjanje razlike med specifično geografsko lokacijo
          of Tourism Studies – Turistica, Slovenia
                                         njene identitete in geografsko ohlapnim definiranjem moje identitete z nezgre-

                                         šljivo ideološkim predznakom je imelo dodatno dimenzijo zapletenega obstoja
                                         nove državne identitete. Dve leti po razglasitvi neodvisnosti je bilo mogoče po
                                         Srednji Ameriki potovati s potnim listom države, ki uradno ni več obstajala, nam-
                                         reč Jugoslavije, medtem ko Slovenije na konzulatih Gvatemale, Salvadorja in Ni-
                                         karagve ni bilo na spisku obstoječih držav, kar je onemogočalo izdajanje potoval-
                                         nih vizumov. Če je bil spol element povezovanja na potovanju, je bila geografija
                                         element razlikovanja. V sodobnih razpravah o presečiščih med geografijo sreča-
                                         nja in intersekcionalnostjo so izpostavljeni dominantni diskurzi, ki vplivajo na iz-
                                         ražanje pripadnosti in identitete tako v načrtovanih kot nenačrtovanih srečanjih,
                                         kakršna se dogajajo na potovanju. Srečanje ni nevtralna, ampak historično po-
                                         gojena kategorija, v konkretnem primeru srečanje »imperija« in »periferije«. Na
                                         podlagi kombinacije avtoetnografije in etnografskega branja sodobnih ženskih
                                         potopisov prispevek analizira intersekcionalne naracije v kontekstu srečevanja
                                         družbeno in kulturno konstruiranih razlik na potovanju. Relacije moči in pozici-
                                         oniranje v kontekstu srečevanj oblikujejo pogajanja, ki ohranjajo oziroma pogla-
                                         bljajoproces Drugačenja ali,v transformativnem srečanju simbolneinverzije, pre-
                                         maknejo diskurzivne narative.
                                         Ključne besede: spol, intersekcionalnost, geografija srečanja, potovanje

                                         ‘She Comes from Eastern Europe’: On the Gender and Geography
                                         of Encounter in Travel
                                         In 1993 I spent part of a six-month trip to Mexico and Central America with a Scot-
                                         tish doctor. Every time the locals asked where we were from, she would say: ‘I
                                         am from Scotland, and she is from eastern Europe,’ with emphasis. The empha-
                                         sis on the difference between the specific geographical location of her identity
                                         and the loose geographical definition of my identity, with its unmistakable ide-
                                         ological overtones, had the added dimension of complicating the existence of a
                                         new national identity. Two years after independence, it was possible to travel in
                                         Central America with the passport of a country that no longer officially existed,
                                         namely Yugoslavia, while Slovenia was not on the list of existing countries at the
                                         consulates of Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, which made it impossible
                                         to issue travel visas. If gender was the unifying element of the journey, geogra-
          Enakost, pravičnost in vključevalnost
          spolov v akademskem okolju     phy was the differentiating element. Contemporary debates on the intersections
          Povzetki drugega posveta       between the geographies of encounter and intersectionality highlight the dom-
          oenakosti spolovzavključujočo  inant discourses that influence the expression of belonging and identity in both
          univerzo in družbo
                                         planned and unplanned encounters such as those that take place during travel.
          Koper, 15. november 2024       Encounter is not a neutral but a historically conditioned category, in the concrete
                                         case of the encounter between ‘empire’ and ‘periphery.’ Based on a combination
          Gender Equality, Equity and Inclusivity
          in Academia                    of autoethnography and ethnographic readings of contemporary women’s travel
          Abstracts of the Second Symposium  writing, the paper analyses intersectional narratives in the context of encounter-
          on Gender Equality for an Inclusive  ing socially and culturally constructed differences on the road. Power relations
          University and Society         and positioning in the context of encounters shape negotiations that maintain or
          Koper, 15 November 2024        deepen the process of Othering or, in the transformative encounter of symbolic
                                         inversion, shift discursive narratives.
                                         Key words: gender, intersectionality, geography of encounter, travel

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