Page 14 - Enakost, pravičnost in vključevalnost spolov v akademskem okolju
P. 14
Sandi Horvat Rominje in skupnosti LGBTQ+: ali so izzivi romske skupnosti izzivi
Romski akademski klub, Radiotelevizija večinskega prebivalstva?
Slovenija, Slovenija
Romske skupnosti v Sloveniji še vedno ostajajo ene najbolj marginaliziranih sku-
Roma Academic Club, Radiotelevision
pnosti. Republika Slovenija vsako leto za reševanje izzivov in vprašanj romskih
Slovenia, Slovenia
skupnosti namenja več milijonov evrov. Razni programi, iniciative in projekti so v zadnjih desetih letih v ospredje postavili predvsem pomen izobraževanja za
Rome, še vedno pa znotraj izobraževalnega sistema obstaja premalo vsebin, ki bi
predvsem bodoče strokovne delavce (pedagoge, socialne delavce, zdravstvene
delavce ipd.) poučile o Romih, romski kulturi, zgodovini in jeziku. Kljub številnim
programom v zadnjih dvajsetih letih so se v romskih skupnostih izoblikovali so-
dobni izzivi, ki jih ne naslavljamo pogosto. Še vedno ostaja deprivilegiran polo-
žaj romskih žensk znotraj same skupnosti in tudi širše. V več regijah po Sloveniji
Rominje zavzemajo vlogo matere, žene in gospodinje. Le redke so izobražene in
zaposlene. O tematiki LGBTQ+ se v romski skupnosti skorajda ne govori in ostaja
tabu tematika. Pri Romskem akademskem klubu smo bili prvi, ki smo pripravili
dvojezični, slovensko-romski slovar LGBTQ+ s pojasnjenimi termini, tudi z zgod-
bami s strani posameznikov romske skupnosti. Sovražni govor o Romih je v leto-
šnjem letu tudi zaradi medijev znova v porastu. Čeprav na prvi pogled ni slišati
razprav o spolu, pa aktivisti naslavljajo spolne vloge in identitete. Na kakšen na-
čin mediji poročajo o Romih in kako medijsko poročanje vpliva na medkulturni
dialog med Romi ter večinskim prebivalstvom, lokalno skupnostjo in državo?
Ključne besede: Romi, LGBTQ+, Rominje, medijsko poročanje, izobraževanje
Roma Women and LGBTQ+ Communities: Are the Challenges of the Roma
Community also the Challenges of the Majority Population?
Roma communities in Slovenia still remain one of the most marginalised com-
munities in our country. Every year, the Republic of Slovenia allocates several
million euros to solve the challenges and issues of the Roma community. In the
last ten years, various programmes, initiatives and projects have brought to the
fore the importance of education for the Roma, but there is still not enough con-
tent within the education system to teach future professionals (pedagogues, so-
cial workers, health workers, etc.) about the Roma, the Roma culture, history and
language. Despite many programmes over the past twenty years, contemporary
community challenges have developed within the communities themselves and
are not often addressed. The underprivileged position of Roma women still re-
mains within the community itself and beyond. In several regions of Slovenia,
Roma women play the role of mother, wife and housewife. Only a few of them are
educated and employed. The LGBTQ+ topic is hardly talked about in the Roma
Enakost, pravičnost in vključevalnost
spolov v akademskem okolju community and is considered taboo. At the Roma Academic Club, we were the
Povzetki drugega posveta first to prepare a bilingual, Slovenian-Roma LGBTQ+ dictionary with explained
oenakosti spolovzavključujočo LGBTQ+ terms, including stories from individuals of the Roma community, who
univerzo in družbo
are also part of the LGBTQ+ community. Hate speech against the Roma is on the
Koper, 15. november 2024 rise again this year, also as a result of the media, and at first glance there are no
debates about gender, yet activists are addressing gender roles and identities.
Gender Equality, Equity and Inclusivity
in Academia How does the media report on the Roma and how does media coverage affect
Abstracts of the Second Symposium the intercultural dialogue between the Roma and the majority population, the
on Gender Equality for an Inclusive local community and the state?
University and Society
Key words: Roma, LGBTQ+, Roma women, media reporting, education
Koper, 15 November 2024 14