Page 42 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Dama iz Čikata ■ The Lady from Čikat ■ Dama iz Čikata. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2014.
P. 42
a iz čikata ■ the lady from čikat ■ dama iz čikata 42 terijera, tj. bogatoga namještaja, paralele shops are known from the Istrian necropo- ko najdemo primerjave prav v Verucchiu, v
mogu pronaći upravo u Verucchiu, grob- lis, especially from the closest Nesactium, grobnici B/1871 Lippi, kjer so bile odkrite
nica B/1971 Lippi, gdje nalazimo vrlo sro- indivisibly connected with the Kvarner.15 zelo podobne figurice, izdelane iz lesa.17 Na
dne ženske figurice izrađene u drvu.17 Nap- drugi strani pa nam bo prav ta pomorsko-
rotiv, taj će nam pomorsko-otočni koridor We can perhaps, in this relation, across the -otoški koridor predstavljal smer nekoliko
nesumnjivo predstavljati pak smjer nešto archipelago of Kvarner (Lošinj-Cres-Krk), mlajšega, vendar izrazitega in z arheološki-
mlađeg, ali izrazitijeg, i arheološkim poda- understand also the appearance of the mi podatki podkrepljenega prodora arhaj-
cima potkrjepljenijeg prodora arhajskog small figurines manufactured from horns skega umetniškega ustvarjanja Etrurije vse
umjetničkog ostvarenja Etrurije sve do Ja- in the graves in Vače,16 since in this sculp- do Japodov ter njihove umetnostne dediš-
poda i njihove umjetničke baštine, gdje ture, evidently in the decoration of the in- čine, kjer je treba še posebej opozoriti na
nam se posebno predstavljaju jantarne sitne terior, of the rich furniture, parallels cou- male jantarne glavice spinske produkcije.18
ženske glavice spinske produkcije.18 ld be observed in Verucchio in the tomb
B/1971 Lippi, where very similar figurines
made from wood were discovered.17 On the
other hand this maritime – islands corridor
will definitely represent the direction of a
somewhat younger, but more distinctive –
and in the archaeological record substantia-
ted – irruption of the archaic artistic creati-
ons from Etruria all the way to the Iapodes
and their artistic heritage, where most evi-
dent are the small amber female heads pro-
duced in Spina.18

17 Bentini 2006, 23–24. 15 Mihovilić 1986; 1988; Cambi 2002, 15–17. 17 Bentini 2006, 23–24.
18 Balen-Letunić 2004, 238, sl. 26, kat. 35.3–35.8; 16 Starè 1975, 237–238, 242, t. 16: 2–3; 26. 18 Balen-Letunić 2004, 238, sl. 26, kat. št. 35.3–35.8;
17 Bentini 2006, 23–24.
Bakarić 2008: sl. 2, 7, 12; usp. Negroni Catacchio 18 Balen-Letunić 2004, 238, fig. 26, cat. 35.3–35.8; Bakarić 2008: sl. 2, 7, 12; prim. Negroni Catacchio
1989, 662, fig. 473; Cambi 2002, 18–20. 1989, 662, sl. 473; Cambi 2002, 18–20.
Bakarić 2008: fig. 2, 7, 12; compare Negroni
Catacchio 1989, 662, fig. 473; Cambi 2002, 18–20.
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