Page 307 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2017. Glasbene migracije: stičišče evropske glasbene raznolikosti - Musical Migrations: Crossroads of European Musical Diversity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 1
P. 307
Področje migracije glasbenih idej

Andrej Misson
Univerza v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana

Every man has tongue, teeth, lips, palate, throat, mouth, which
he may close or open, and adapt in various ways; making, first,
vowels and consonants; and secondly, other classes of letters.
The elements of all speech, like the elements of the musical scale,
are few and simple, though admitting of infinite gradations and
Platon, Kratil, prev. Benjamin Jowett

Naj v teoretskem uvodu navedem nekaj izhodišč, ki pa jih ne bom razvijal
dalje, saj bom pozornost raje usmeril v nekaj konkretnih primerov migra-
cije glasbenih idej.

Urednika Roberto Scazzieri in Raffaella Simili sta v uvodu knjige The
migration of Ideas zapisala: »Ideas migrate across time and space, some-
times in conjunction with the migration of people and sometimes inde-
pendently of it. The migration of ideas from one context to another is a cen-
tral aspect of communication among scholars and scientists. It is one of the
most important features of cultural, intellectual and scientific history. It is
also an important feature in the history of institutions, organizations and

1 Roberto Scazzieri, Raffaella Simili, ur., The migration of Ideas (Sagamore Beach:
Science History Publications, a division of Watson Publishing International LLC,

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