Page 164 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 164
an Kovačič in Anja Špindler
Kuśnierek, A. 2016. »The Role of Music and Songs in Teaching English Vocabu-
lary to Students.« World Scientific News 43 (1): 1–55.
Legg, R. 2009. »Using Music to Accelerate Language Learning: An Experimental
Study.« Research in Education 82 (1): 1–12.
Maynard, S. 2012. Teaching Foreigh Languages in the Primary School. London:
Oblak, B. 2002. Moja glasba 4: priročnik za učitelje. Trzin: Izolit.
Okan, Z. 2003. ‘Edutainment: Is learning at risk?’ British Journal of Educational
Technology 34 (3): 255–264.
Patel, A. D. 2003. ‘Rhythm in Language and Music: Parallels and Differences.’
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 999:140–143.
Pound, L., in C. Harrison. 2003. Supporting Musical Development in the Early Ye-
ars. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Shin, J. 2017. »Get Up and Sing! Get Up and Move! Using Songs and Movement
with Young Learners of English.« English Teaching Forum 55 (2): 14–25.
Sicherl-Kafol, B. 2001. Celostna glasbena vzgoja: srce, um, telo. Ljubljana: Debora.
———. 2015. Izbrana poglavja iz glasbene didaktike. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakul-
teta Univerze v Ljubljani.
Szpotowicz, M., in M. Szulc-Kurpaska. 2009. Teaching English to Young Learners.
Varšava: PWN.
Švajger, P. 2015. »Pesmi pri pouku angleščine v prvem in drugem triletju sloven-
skih osnovnih šol: mnenja in izkušnje učiteljev.« Magistrsko delo, Pedago-
ška fakulteta
Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. 2011. Program osnovna šola: glasbena vzgoja;
učni načrt. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport.
———. 2013. Program osnovna šola: Tuji jezik v 2. in 3. razredu; učni načrt. Ljub-
ljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport.
Yang, H., W. Ma, D. Gong, J. Hu in D. Yao. 2013. »A Longitudinal Study on Chil-
dren’s Music Training Experience and Academic Development.« Scientific
Reports 4 (5854).
The Inclusion of Methods of Music Teaching in Foreign Langugage
This paper discusses the inclusion of methods of music teaching in foreign lan-
guage lessons in the first and second cycle of primary education. We examined
how often teachers, who teach foreign languages in the first and/or second cy-
cle of primary education, include methods of music teaching into the teaching
of a foreign language. We were interested in the differences in their answers,
regarding the cycle the teachers teach in, their schooling and their attendance
of a music school. 129 teachers were included in our research. The results show
that teachers statistically significantly more often include the methods of mu-
sic teaching in the 1st cycle than in the 2nd one. We found some statistically
Kuśnierek, A. 2016. »The Role of Music and Songs in Teaching English Vocabu-
lary to Students.« World Scientific News 43 (1): 1–55.
Legg, R. 2009. »Using Music to Accelerate Language Learning: An Experimental
Study.« Research in Education 82 (1): 1–12.
Maynard, S. 2012. Teaching Foreigh Languages in the Primary School. London:
Oblak, B. 2002. Moja glasba 4: priročnik za učitelje. Trzin: Izolit.
Okan, Z. 2003. ‘Edutainment: Is learning at risk?’ British Journal of Educational
Technology 34 (3): 255–264.
Patel, A. D. 2003. ‘Rhythm in Language and Music: Parallels and Differences.’
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 999:140–143.
Pound, L., in C. Harrison. 2003. Supporting Musical Development in the Early Ye-
ars. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Shin, J. 2017. »Get Up and Sing! Get Up and Move! Using Songs and Movement
with Young Learners of English.« English Teaching Forum 55 (2): 14–25.
Sicherl-Kafol, B. 2001. Celostna glasbena vzgoja: srce, um, telo. Ljubljana: Debora.
———. 2015. Izbrana poglavja iz glasbene didaktike. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakul-
teta Univerze v Ljubljani.
Szpotowicz, M., in M. Szulc-Kurpaska. 2009. Teaching English to Young Learners.
Varšava: PWN.
Švajger, P. 2015. »Pesmi pri pouku angleščine v prvem in drugem triletju sloven-
skih osnovnih šol: mnenja in izkušnje učiteljev.« Magistrsko delo, Pedago-
ška fakulteta
Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. 2011. Program osnovna šola: glasbena vzgoja;
učni načrt. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport.
———. 2013. Program osnovna šola: Tuji jezik v 2. in 3. razredu; učni načrt. Ljub-
ljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport.
Yang, H., W. Ma, D. Gong, J. Hu in D. Yao. 2013. »A Longitudinal Study on Chil-
dren’s Music Training Experience and Academic Development.« Scientific
Reports 4 (5854).
The Inclusion of Methods of Music Teaching in Foreign Langugage
This paper discusses the inclusion of methods of music teaching in foreign lan-
guage lessons in the first and second cycle of primary education. We examined
how often teachers, who teach foreign languages in the first and/or second cy-
cle of primary education, include methods of music teaching into the teaching
of a foreign language. We were interested in the differences in their answers,
regarding the cycle the teachers teach in, their schooling and their attendance
of a music school. 129 teachers were included in our research. The results show
that teachers statistically significantly more often include the methods of mu-
sic teaching in the 1st cycle than in the 2nd one. We found some statistically