Page 31 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 31
Changing the Educational Paradigm by Applying STEM Competencies

tain sectors of the knowledge-based economy being used as cross-curricular

The process of integrating teaching STEM subjects can be initiated by the
school itself, by designing a school curriculum, based on existing syllabuses.
This process would imply the complete school involvement in the process of
developing a correlation matrix and time frame for teaching STEM subjects.
The development of a school curriculum for STEM subjects would proceed
by including all teachers in grades from 1st to 5th and STEM teachers in the
process. Teachers in grades from 1st to 5th could coordinate their curriculums
and create a unique school curriculum for each of the grades. STEM subjects
teachers would develop the annual curricula for each subject, based on a co-
ordinated correlation matrix. The annual curriculums, approved at the school
level, would become a part of the school curriculum. Bearing in mind it is
possible for teachers within their autonomy to teach and deliver the teach-
ing content predicted by the curriculum in the order and using those activ-
ities considered to be optimal, it is possible to change the order of study of
certain program contents. Namely, afterwards each STEM teacher draws up
a monthly plan for each of the STEM subjects, it is possible to discuss each
of the plans before the beginning of the year at a joint meeting of STEM
teachers. The goal of interaction between teachers is to organize a timeline
of teaching by making a correlation matrix with other teaching subjects, in a
way that outcomes correlated with the corresponding outcomes from other
teaching subjects are taught approximately at the same time.

Correlation Matrix Development and Determination of Teaching
Time Frame
Before the monthly plan for teaching content by month is made, the collab-
oration and arrangement of the subject teachers is the next step, motivating
for students, to create an annual curriculum for each STEM subject. Talking
about teaching in lower grades 1st to 5th, it is easier to notice and make cross-
curricular links because one teacher is teaching almost all the subjects. In the
following text we will talk about the situation when there are multiple teach-
ers teaching different subjects.

The main goal of cooperation between teachers is to synchronize the time-
frame of teaching different subjects in the preparation of the annual plan as
far as possible, in a way that teaching units in different subjects are comple-
mentary and interconnected. This is certainly not possible for all outcomes
and the corresponding curriculums, but by comparing the curriculum for
the observed age, it is possible to identify 5 10 learning outcomes which

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