Page 32 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 32
jana Marić

Table 1 Correlation Matrix

Subject September areas September components

Biology Earth – space of life: structural and Structural and functional properties
functional inter-connection of living of living and non-living nature
qmidrule and non-living nature (ecology, sus-
Physics tainable development) Heat and thermo-dynamic systems
Geography Molecular physics and thermo-
dynamics Structure and functional connection
Chemistry Earth in space as a planet to live of the natural and geographical envi-
IT ronment
Mathematics Processes and interactions of living Functioning of natural systems and
and non-living systems chemical laws
Digital society Virtual world
Data and mathematical probability Data collection, organization, pre-
sentation and interpretation

are ‘most significant,’ and in the highest correlation. The correlation matrix
among teaching subjects within a time frame is shown in table 1. The rows of
the matrix are subjects and the agreed areas and components are entered in
the columns.

The next step is to discuss within the group about the time it takes to teach
selected content, and the order of teaching which connects them best, re-
specting the subject specificities understanding that some teaching content
is a prerequisite for another. The areas and components presented in table 1
can be further reorganized and ‘sorted’ by month, depending on the num-
ber of lessons of the subject and the subject matter to be processed within
the selected outcome/indicator.

Designing and realizing the class as a basic teaching unit is the starting
point for a quality teaching process. Therefore, the realization of a teaching
class in one subject that reflects a real connection with other subjects is nec-
essary for the realization of the STEM approach to learning and teaching. The
preparation for the lesson begins with the determination of the teaching unit
to be completed during that class.

The monitored teaching unit from biology is located within a specific area
and learning areas and components for the relevant developmental period
are identified for it, within the monthly activity plan. Within the monthly plan,
teachers identify relevant sectors of the knowledge-based economy, closely
related learning outcomes from the same subject for the observed teaching
unit, as well as correlations with other subjects.

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