Page 35 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 35
Changing the Educational Paradigm by Applying STEM Competencies

Table 2 Continued from the previous page

After Learning – Final Activity: T-Table
Students in groups can write within five minutes in the T-table:
– on the left side of the table write down all the reasons they can think PRO
cultivating, producing and processing healing herbs, and
– on the right side write down all the reasons they can think CON this idea.

Reasons PRO Reasons CON

Conservation of rare and endan- Excessive planting of healing herbs
gered plant species (e.g. immortelle) leads to distur-
bance of ecological balance

Evaluation of The achievement of the goal and the outcome of the lesson are evalu-
achievement ated by summarizing the students’ discussions after the completed les-
son, as well as scoring the activities of the students within the group (for-
mative assessment), and then consolidating the data on the work of the
groups and checking the achievement of the learning outcomes by the
teacher for summative assessment.

What to value? Points total Points scored

Introduction to the topic 4 points

The connection between theory and the 4 points
question asked – presentation design

The way the research was conducted, the 4 points
data collected and processed

Knowledge and understanding of the 4 points

Presentation of ideas in a way that gives 4 points
the impression that the student has a
good knowledge of matter – argumenta-

A student’s hard work leading to a sensi- 4 points
ble and logical argument focused on a re-
search question

Apply certain analytical and other skills to 4 points
the chosen topic

Collecting, processing, analyzing data in a 4 points
way that links the issue to the conclusion

Use of subject-specific language and ap- 4 points
propriate terminology

Total 36 points

derstanding, not reproduction; it is characterized by outcomes with
high cognitive demands; often dictates cooperation;
– Phenomena based, respectively finding evidence and gaining an un-
derstanding of the real-world phenomena.

   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40