Page 30 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 30
jana Marić

STEM programs (Niehaus, Rudasill, and Adelson 2012), student’s research
experiences in the STEM area (Carter-Johnson, Mandell, and Maton 2009),
professional counseling and providing information on occupations in the
STEM area (Pedro et al. 1981), creating of learning centers (Walter, Shenaar-
Golan, and Greenberg 2015), designing and conducting STEM workshops and
demonstration activities (Deckard, Quarfoot, and Csanadi 2014), and pro-
grams aimed to transform educational institutions, curricula and teaching
practices (Robinson et al. 2014; Cotabish et al. 2013). It is interesting to no-
tice that both parents and teachers play a very important role in the forming
of STEM interests by children (Archer et al. 2012; Eccles 1992; Keller 2001).
Teachers are key players in conducting classroom activities. One of the key
questions is which are the teachers ‘competencies to find a way to increasing
students’ interest in the STEM area in the school curriculum (Bautista 2011; El
Nagdi, Leammukda, and Gillian 2018).

It should be emphasized that neglecting or diminishing the importance of
the educational impact of natural science teaching in the context of global
changes, characteristics and challenges of contemporary society prevents
students from developing into character, moral and socially responsible citi-
zens through the contents of these subjects. For example, topics in the field
of ecology, which have an important place in the STEM approach, can be
didactically designed, planned and structured through cross-curricular con-
tent. Ecology and environmental education realized through the STEM ap-
proach can be seen in a much broader sense as well – through the creation
of new dimensions of humanity, better social relations, the value of collab-
orative learning and activities and interconnectedness in natural and social
contexts. The importance of the educational function of teaching the natural
sciences is to be emphasized: (1) forming a scientific worldview; (2) forming
attitudes, beliefs and value systems; (3) developing the capabilities required
for the role of responsible citizens (Antic Pesikan, and Ivic 2015).

Designing a School Curriculum for STEM Subjects
In order to identify cross-curricular links among STEM subjects and to facil-
itate an integrative approach to teaching in order to increase student mo-
tivation, an Operational Curriculum for STEM Competencies was developed
for each STEM area subject.² The integration of learning outcomes and re-
lated indicators from all STEM subjects was made in that curriculum, with cer-

² Within the framework of the ENABLE BiH project, ‘Operational Guidelines for the Implementa-
tion of the STEM Competencies Operational Curriculum’ have been developed.

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