Page 173 - Lesjak, Miha, Marijana Sikošek, Simon Kerma. Ur. 2020. Tematski turizem: teoretični in aplikativni primeru oblik turizma v svetu in Sloveniji. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 173
Poslovni turizem ali kongresna dejavnost 173
Dejstvo je, da poslovna srecˇanja ne glede na tip predstavljajo pro-
stor in priložnost za izmenjavo idej in znanja, s cˇimer generirajo no-
va ter s tem dajejo možnosti za razvoj družbe, kar nam kažejo tu-
di primeri iz zgodovine poslovnih srecˇanj. Obenem poslovna srecˇe-
vanja ustvarjajo turisticˇni obisk destinacije in pomenijo prispevek k
turisticˇnemu prometu. Cˇ eprav je bilo v zgodovini srecˇanj kar nekaj
vzponov in padcev, potreba ljudi po srecˇevanju ne bo zamrla. Lahko
se bo spremenil nacˇin glede na spremembe v družbi in okolju, saj se
srecˇanjem v klasicˇni obliki pridružujejo njihove virtualne izpeljanke,
vendar pa ljudje cˇutimo nenehno potrebo po medsebojni interakci-
ji, ki jo je mogocˇe uresnicˇiti zgolj v obliki medsebojnih, predvsem
fizicˇnih srecˇanj.
Burkart, A. J., in Medlik, S. (1992). Tourism: Past, present and future.
Cassar, J., Whitfield, J., in Chapman, A. (2020). Contemporary factors in-
fluencing association conference attendance. Journal of Convention
& Event Tourism, 21(1), 57–90.
Crouch, G. I., in Louviere, J. J. (2004). The determinants of convention si-
te selection: Alogistic choice model from experimental data. Journal
of Travel Research, 43(2), 118–130.
Davidson, R., in Rogers, T. (2006). Marketing destinations and venues for
conferences, conventions and business events. Routledge.
DiPietro, R. B., Breiter, D., Rompf, P., in Godlewska, M. (2008). An explo-
ratory study of differences among meeting and exhibition planners
in their destination selection criteria. Journal of Convention & Event
Tourism, 9(4), 258–276.
Dragic´evic´, V., Armenski, T., in Jovic´ic´, D. (2009). Analyses of the com-
petitiveness of Novi Sad as a regional congress destination. Tourism
and Hospitality Management, 15(2), 247–256.
Fenich, G. G. (1995). Convention center operations: Some questions an-
swered. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 14(3), 311–
Ford, R. C. (2008). Chasing mice and fellow travelers: A history of the
convention and visitor bureau industry. Journal of Management Hi-
story, 14(2), 128–143.
Getz, D., in Page, S. J. (2016). Progress and prospects for event tourism
research. Tourism Management, 52, 593–631.
Huo, Y. (2014). Meeting planners’ perception on convention destination
attributes: empirical evidence from six major Asian convention citi-
es. Journal of Business Inquiry, 13(2), 70–80.
Dejstvo je, da poslovna srecˇanja ne glede na tip predstavljajo pro-
stor in priložnost za izmenjavo idej in znanja, s cˇimer generirajo no-
va ter s tem dajejo možnosti za razvoj družbe, kar nam kažejo tu-
di primeri iz zgodovine poslovnih srecˇanj. Obenem poslovna srecˇe-
vanja ustvarjajo turisticˇni obisk destinacije in pomenijo prispevek k
turisticˇnemu prometu. Cˇ eprav je bilo v zgodovini srecˇanj kar nekaj
vzponov in padcev, potreba ljudi po srecˇevanju ne bo zamrla. Lahko
se bo spremenil nacˇin glede na spremembe v družbi in okolju, saj se
srecˇanjem v klasicˇni obliki pridružujejo njihove virtualne izpeljanke,
vendar pa ljudje cˇutimo nenehno potrebo po medsebojni interakci-
ji, ki jo je mogocˇe uresnicˇiti zgolj v obliki medsebojnih, predvsem
fizicˇnih srecˇanj.
Burkart, A. J., in Medlik, S. (1992). Tourism: Past, present and future.
Cassar, J., Whitfield, J., in Chapman, A. (2020). Contemporary factors in-
fluencing association conference attendance. Journal of Convention
& Event Tourism, 21(1), 57–90.
Crouch, G. I., in Louviere, J. J. (2004). The determinants of convention si-
te selection: Alogistic choice model from experimental data. Journal
of Travel Research, 43(2), 118–130.
Davidson, R., in Rogers, T. (2006). Marketing destinations and venues for
conferences, conventions and business events. Routledge.
DiPietro, R. B., Breiter, D., Rompf, P., in Godlewska, M. (2008). An explo-
ratory study of differences among meeting and exhibition planners
in their destination selection criteria. Journal of Convention & Event
Tourism, 9(4), 258–276.
Dragic´evic´, V., Armenski, T., in Jovic´ic´, D. (2009). Analyses of the com-
petitiveness of Novi Sad as a regional congress destination. Tourism
and Hospitality Management, 15(2), 247–256.
Fenich, G. G. (1995). Convention center operations: Some questions an-
swered. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 14(3), 311–
Ford, R. C. (2008). Chasing mice and fellow travelers: A history of the
convention and visitor bureau industry. Journal of Management Hi-
story, 14(2), 128–143.
Getz, D., in Page, S. J. (2016). Progress and prospects for event tourism
research. Tourism Management, 52, 593–631.
Huo, Y. (2014). Meeting planners’ perception on convention destination
attributes: empirical evidence from six major Asian convention citi-
es. Journal of Business Inquiry, 13(2), 70–80.