Page 174 - Lesjak, Miha, Marijana Sikošek, Simon Kerma. Ur. 2020. Tematski turizem: teoretični in aplikativni primeru oblik turizma v svetu in Sloveniji. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 174
Marijana Sikošek
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history of international association meetings: Update 1963–2017 [bro-
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vention decision-making. Journal of Convention and Event Tourism,
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formance: The role of business events. Business Events Council of Au-
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dustry. V K. Weber in K. S. Chon (ur.), Convention tourism: Interna-
tional research and industry perspectives (str. 101–118). The Haworth
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174 rism. V D. Buhalis in C. Costa (ur.), Tourism business frontiers: Son-
sumers, products and industry (str. 56–66). Elsevier Butterworth-
Lee, R. A. J. (2020, 2. januar). The pleasure of bleisure. ttgmice. http://
Lucianovic´, L. (1980). Kongresni turizam. Svjetlost.
Mair, J. (2013). Conferences and conventions: A research perspective. Rou-
Mair, J., in Thompson, K. (2009). The uk association conference atten-
dance decision-making process. Tourism Management, 30(3), 400–
Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo. (2017). Strategija traj-
nostne rasti slovenskega turizma 2017-2021 [brošura]. https://www
Mohammadi, A. M., in Mohamed, B. (2011). Applying consumer behavi-
our theory and grand models to attendees behaviour in coference
industry. Tourism & Management Studies, 1, 151–159.
Oppermann, M. (1996a). Convention cities – Images and changing fortu-
nes. The Journal of Tourism Studies, 7(1), 10–19.
Oppermann, M. (1996b). Convention destination images: Analysis of
association meeting planners’ perceptions. Tourism Management,
17(3), 175–182.
Oppermann, M., in Chon, K.-S. (1997). Convention participation decision-
making process. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(1), 178–191.
Rittichainuwat, B., in Mair, J. (2012). Motivations for attending consumer
shows. Tourism Management, 33, 1236–1244.
Rogers, T. (1998). Conferences: A twenty-first century industry. Adison We-
sley Longman.
International Congress and Convention Association. (2018). A modern
history of international association meetings: Update 1963–2017 [bro-
Jago, L., in Deery, M. (2005). Relationships and factors influencing con-
vention decision-making. Journal of Convention and Event Tourism,
7(1), 23–41.
Jago, L., in Deery, M. (2010). Delivering innovation, knowledge and per-
formance: The role of business events. Business Events Council of Au-
Ladkin, A. (2002). Research issues and challenges for the convention in-
dustry. V K. Weber in K. S. Chon (ur.), Convention tourism: Interna-
tional research and industry perspectives (str. 101–118). The Haworth
Ladkin, A. (2006). Conference tourism – mice market and business tou-
174 rism. V D. Buhalis in C. Costa (ur.), Tourism business frontiers: Son-
sumers, products and industry (str. 56–66). Elsevier Butterworth-
Lee, R. A. J. (2020, 2. januar). The pleasure of bleisure. ttgmice. http://
Lucianovic´, L. (1980). Kongresni turizam. Svjetlost.
Mair, J. (2013). Conferences and conventions: A research perspective. Rou-
Mair, J., in Thompson, K. (2009). The uk association conference atten-
dance decision-making process. Tourism Management, 30(3), 400–
Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo. (2017). Strategija traj-
nostne rasti slovenskega turizma 2017-2021 [brošura]. https://www
Mohammadi, A. M., in Mohamed, B. (2011). Applying consumer behavi-
our theory and grand models to attendees behaviour in coference
industry. Tourism & Management Studies, 1, 151–159.
Oppermann, M. (1996a). Convention cities – Images and changing fortu-
nes. The Journal of Tourism Studies, 7(1), 10–19.
Oppermann, M. (1996b). Convention destination images: Analysis of
association meeting planners’ perceptions. Tourism Management,
17(3), 175–182.
Oppermann, M., in Chon, K.-S. (1997). Convention participation decision-
making process. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(1), 178–191.
Rittichainuwat, B., in Mair, J. (2012). Motivations for attending consumer
shows. Tourism Management, 33, 1236–1244.
Rogers, T. (1998). Conferences: A twenty-first century industry. Adison We-
sley Longman.