Page 175 - Lesjak, Miha, Marijana Sikošek, Simon Kerma. Ur. 2020. Tematski turizem: teoretični in aplikativni primeru oblik turizma v svetu in Sloveniji. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
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Rogers, T. (2008). Conferences and conventions: A global industry. Rou-
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Shone, A. (1998). The business of conferences: A hospitality sector overview
for the uk and Ireland. Routledge.
Sikošek, M. (2012). A review of research in meetings management: Some
issues and challenges. Academica Turistica, 5(2), 61–76.
Sikošek, M. (2017). Kongresna dejavnost: vidiki privlacˇnosti destinacije.
Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
Sikošek, M., Bojnec, Š., Fabjan, D., in Uran Maravic´, M. (2014). Obseg de-
javnosti in neposredni ekonomski ucˇinki kongresnega turizma v Slo-
veniji: primer Ljubljana [zakljucˇno porocˇilo]. Javna agencija spirit
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika. (2014). Založba zrc. http://www
Slovenian Convention Bureau. (2014). Slovenian incentive ideas book
Spiller, J. (2002). History of convention tourism. V K. Weber in K. S. Chon
(ur.), Convention tourism: International research and industry per-
spectives (str. 3–20). The Haworth Hospitality.
Swarbrooke, J., in Horner, S. (2001). Business travel and tourism. Butter-
Turizem Ljubljana. (2011). Kongresna Ljubljana 2020: razvojna politika
kongresne destinacije Ljubljana 2012–2020. https://www
Weber, K., in Chon, K. S. (2002). Convention tourism: International rese-
arch and industry perspectives. The Haworth Hospitality.
World Tourism Organization. (2006). Measuring the economic importan-
ce of the meetings industry: Developing a tourism satellite account
Zidanski, M. (2005). Kongresna dejavnost: organizacija kongresov. Alba-