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P. 172
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Physical Education and Extracurricular Physical Activities
in First Grade Students of a Selected Primary School
during the COVID-19 Global Epidemic
The objective of the research was to examine whether parents, together with
their children, do the exercises they are given by gym teachers and whether
they follow the recommendations by the coaches of children’s organized ex-
tracurricular physical/sports activities. The data were obtained through a ques-
tionnaire sent via e-mail to 108 parents of children attending first grade of pri-
mary school. Only 64 fully completed questionnaires were included in the fur-
ther analysis, of which 24 were by parents of girls and 40 were by parents of
boys. The research shows that boys and girls were equally physically active dur-
ing the epidemic (p = 0.082). Parents follow the instructions provided by the
gym teacher, but do not entirely carry out the exercises together with the chil-
dren. We also found that parents only partially follow the recommendations

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