Page 369 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 369
Effects of the COVID-19 on the Motor Skills and Psychological State

Table 3 Continued from the previous page Category f f ()
After the illness, I felt that . . .
This entire situation with COVID is very stressful for me Not at all  
A little  
I’m not in the mood to socialize like i used to Enough  
I feel more tension than before Not at all 
A little  
I am afraid of being infected again Enough  
Absolutely  
I feel fear and helplessness about this disease Not at all
A little 
After the illness it is difficult for me to motivate for study, Enough  
more than before Absolutely  
Not at all
A little 
Enough 
Absolutely  
Not at all  
A little  
Enough 
Absolutely  
Not at all  
A little 
Enough 
Absolutely  
 

or a reduction in their skills could lead to a decrease in self-efficacy. This could
lead to an increase in mental stress by causing negative self-evaluation and
negative thoughts (Nouwen et al. 2009).

Some 29 of the respondents reported having a lot of problems concen-
trating, or that they have a significantly impaired ability to concentrate. That
they have significant problems finding motivation to study was reported by
10 of the respondents. Trouble sleeping after the coronavirus disease was
reported by 31 of the respondents, of which 14 reported sleeping less
than before, while 17 reported sleeping more than before the disease. More
than one half of the respondents (56) did not lose their desire to socialize,
29 of the respondents felt a small change, while 16 of the participants
feel that they are significantly less in the mood to socialize than before. Con-

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