Page 370 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 370
an Šekeljić, Dragan Radovanović, and Branka Arsović

siderable or overwhelming tension was felt by only 6 of the respondents,
but when they were supposed to answer the question of just how the over-
all COVID-19 situation was stressful for them, only 14 responded that it was
not at all, 55 responded that they were affected a little, while 32 of the re-
spondents felt that the pandemic touched them considerably or completely.
Isolation during the entire pandemic was difficult for 29 of the respondents.
This could be explained by the long period of time the respondents spent in
their homes when they tested positive for the coronavirus, and during iso-
lation, which resulted in a decrease in communication with other individu-
als from which they could have received social support. A great fear of once
again contracting the disease was reported by 18 of the respondents, while
10 of them felt helpless regarding this disease. What this indicates is that
the consequences of the pandemic and the disease itself caused feelings re-
lated to the fear of once again finding oneself in such situations in the future
among a significant number of young girls.

Based on our findings, this is the first study which deals with the impact of
the COVID-19 pandemic and the coronavirus disease on the motor skills and
mental health of young girls in the territory of the Balkans. When the data
from this study are compared to those of the aforementioned study (National
Collegiate Athletic Association 2020) (table 1), a significant number (8–30)
of surveyed respondents who might be suffering serious mental health con-
sequences can be noted in both studies. This study confirmed the hypothesis
that young people managed the disease and the pandemic relatively well,
as 4/5 of the respondents stated that the COVID-19 virus had a very small im-
pact on their mental health. The study also indicated that there was a smaller
number of female students (1/5) for whom this situation, due to the coron-
avirus disease, changes in their living conditions, worry for their health, their
career, and future, led to symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Similar prob-
lems were confirmed in other studies as well (Hawryluck et al. 2004; Lee et
al. 2018). The situation is not benign since studies (Hallgren et al. 2017) indi-
cate that if such a situation involving isolation, reduced communication with
other people and the resulting decrease in social support were to last longer,
it could lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety. Irrespective of the fact
that this targeted study was carried out on a specific sample of female stu-
dents, what we consider a shortcoming is the relatively small number of the
female participants.

The study, carried out on a specific sample, showed that the coronavirus dis-
ease did not significantly impact the motor skills and mental health of most

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