Page 365 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 365
Effects of the COVID-19 on the Motor Skills and Psychological State

Table 1 The Results of a Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Percentage
on the Psychological State of Young Women
Item 
I felt overwhelmed with problems because of everything I had to endure 
I have trouble sleeping 
I feel mentally exhausted 
I feel very lonely 
I feel that things are hopeless 
I feel the loss
I’m sad 
I feel very anxious 
I feel an irresistible rage
I feel so depressed that it is difficult to function

Notes Adapted from National Collegiate Athletic Association (2020).

crease in the level of their physical activity, an increase in their difficulty sleep-
ing, sadness, sorrow, and depressive feelings (National Collegiate Athletic As-
sociation 2020). The study noted that students reported a lower level of diffi-
culties with loneliness, anger, and sorrow in the later stages of the study than
at the very beginning of the pandemic. Higher values of mental exhaustion,
anxiety, hopelessness and feelings of depression have been observed, espe-
cially in women.

The aim of our study was to analyse the impact of the pandemic caused by
the COVID-19 virus and the effects of the coronavirus disease on the motor
skills and psychological state of the female students attending pedagogical
faculties in Serbia.


The method of theoretical analysis and the survey technique was used. The
study included 108 female students attending pedagogical faculties in Užice
and Jagodina, who had been diagnosed with the coronavirus disease. The
age of the female students ranged from 19 to 25. Students were interviewed
during the experimental period (in class and/or online), and the questions
were related to subjective feelings of the consequences of the disease. Their
responses were compiled during their regular classes both in the classic and
online form, from February to March 2022.

Students were required to assess their own recovery after illness, in terms
of the number of weeks it took to return to their original physical fitness. The
questionnaire is also intended to describe their condition during the illness:

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