Page 143 - Kroflič, R., S. Rutar in B. Borota, ur. 2022. Umetnost v vzgoji v vrtcih in šolah: projekt SKUM. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 143
Umetnik v pedagoškem procesu

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The Artist in the Pedagogical Process
In documents on education, art is given an important place in providing op-
portunities for the development of creative potential, freedom of expression,
cultural awareness and personal development of the individual. Positive links
between culture and art education and good learning and teaching results
were also found in the SKUM project. Continuous collaboration with artists
was recognized as a constant. In the research, we were interested in the artist’s
experience of collaboration. We collected the data by interviewing the par-
ticipating artists. We found that artists establish a stimulating and motivating
strong learning environment for the development of the creative potential of
children/adolescents and learning in general. They describe cooperation with
educators/teachers as important and complementary. They enter the teach-
ing process as artists with a recognizable artistic oeuvre. When planning, they

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