Page 409 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 409
Učenje in poučevanje evklidske geometrije: nekoč, danes in jutri

Wu, H. H. 1996. »The Role of Euclidean Geometry in High School.« Journal of
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Yilmazer, Z., in H. Keklikci. 2015. »The Effects of Teaching Geometry on the Aca-
demic Achievement by Using Puppet Method.« Procedia: Social and Beha-
vioral Sciences 191:2355–2358.

Yimer, S. T., in N. N. Feza. 2019. »Learners’ Conceptual Knowledge Development
and Attitudinal Change Towards Calculus Using Jigsaw Co-Operative Lear-
ning Strategy Integrated with GeoGebra.« International Electronic Journal
of Mathematics Education 15 (1): em0554.

Yohannes, A., in H. L. Chen. 2021. »GeoGebra in Mathematics Education: A Sys-
tematic Review of Journal Articles Published from 2010 to 2020.« Interactive
Learning Environments.

Zaranis, N., in E. Synodi. 2017. »A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of the
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Ziatdinov, R., in J. R. Valles. 2022. »Synthesis of Modeling, Visualization, and Pro-
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The Teaching and Learning of Euclidean Geometry:
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Learning and teaching geometry is an important part of mathematics lessons,
as it contributes to the development of formal proof and reasoning, and a bet-
ter representation of reality. In the course of time, various models of teach-
ing and learning geometry appeared, the most famous of which is the Van
Hiele model, which is still used in many countries. In addition to the traditional
learning and teaching of geometry, in recent decades there has been a great
interest in dynamic geometry software, which has become part of geometry
lessons in various schools. Although information and communication technol-
ogy contributes to a better understanding of geometric concepts, the knowl-
edge acquired by students is often short-term. For this purpose, we propose
a combined way of learning and teaching geometry, which is based on three
assumptions: (1) formal proof and reasoning, (2) traditional constructions with
a ruler and compass, and (3) constructions with the help of information and
communication technology.
Keywords: geometry, learning, Van Hiele, model, technology

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