Page 407 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 407
Učenje in poučevanje evklidske geometrije: nekoč, danes in jutri
Learning Experiences.« EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Tech-
nology Education 17 (2): em1938.
Marchiş, I. 2008. »Geometry in Primary School Mathematics.« Educatia 21 (6):
McClure, J. E. 2000. »Start Where They Are: Geometry as an Introduction to
Proof.« American Mathematical Monthly 107 (1): 44–52.
Mensah-Wonkyi, T., in E. Adu. 2016. »Effect of the Inquiry-Based Teaching
Approach on Students’ Understanding of Circle Theorems in Plane Geo-
metry.« African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences
Mostafa, M., L. M. Javad in O. H. Reza. 2017. »The Effect of Van Hiele Theory-
Based Teaching Educational Package on Achievement Goal Orientation of
Student Teachers.« Review of European Studies 9 (1): 93–105.
Mthethwa, M., A. Bayaga, M. J. Bossé in D. Williams. 2020. »GeoGebra for Lear-
ning and Teaching: A Parallel Investigation.« South African Journal of Edu-
cation 40 (2).
Ndlovu, M. 2013. »The Learning of Geometry as Moving from One Thinking Le-
vel to the Next: Revising Van Hiele.« V Proceedings of the 19th Annual Con-
gress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa, uredila Z.
Davies in S. Jaffer, 277–279. Cape Town: Association for Mathematics Edu-
cation of South Africa.
———. 2014. »Pre-Service Teachers’ Understanding of Geometrical Definitions
and Class Inclusion: An Analysis Using the Van Hiele Model.« V INTED 2014:
Conference Proceedings, uredili L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez in I.
Candel Torres, 6642–6652. Valencia: International Academy of Technology,
Education and Development.
Ng, O. L., L. Shi in F. Ting. 2020. »Exploring Differences in Primary Students’ Ge-
ometry Learning Outcomes in Two Technology-Enhanced Environments:
Dynamic Geometry and 3D Printing.« International Journal of STEM Educa-
tion 7 (1): 50.
Olkun, S., N. B. Sinoplu in D. Deryakulu. 2005. »Geometric Explorations with
Dynamic Geometry Applications Based on Van Hiele Levels.« Internatio-
nal Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.
Putra, A., M. Hafis, L. Laswadi in M. Oktafia. 2020. »Gallery of Learning with Geo-
gebra: Does it Affect Students’ Learning Motivation?« Indonesian Journal
of Science and Mathematics Education 3 (2): 210–218.
Rolet, C. 2003. »Teaching and Learning Plane Geometry in Primary School:
Acquisition of a First Geometrical Thinking.« V European Research in Ma-
thematics Education III: Proceedings of the Third Conference of the European
Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 28 February–3 March 2003,
Bellaria, Italia, uredila M. A. Mariotti, 1–9. Bellaria: University of Pisa.
Learning Experiences.« EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Tech-
nology Education 17 (2): em1938.
Marchiş, I. 2008. »Geometry in Primary School Mathematics.« Educatia 21 (6):
McClure, J. E. 2000. »Start Where They Are: Geometry as an Introduction to
Proof.« American Mathematical Monthly 107 (1): 44–52.
Mensah-Wonkyi, T., in E. Adu. 2016. »Effect of the Inquiry-Based Teaching
Approach on Students’ Understanding of Circle Theorems in Plane Geo-
metry.« African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences
Mostafa, M., L. M. Javad in O. H. Reza. 2017. »The Effect of Van Hiele Theory-
Based Teaching Educational Package on Achievement Goal Orientation of
Student Teachers.« Review of European Studies 9 (1): 93–105.
Mthethwa, M., A. Bayaga, M. J. Bossé in D. Williams. 2020. »GeoGebra for Lear-
ning and Teaching: A Parallel Investigation.« South African Journal of Edu-
cation 40 (2).
Ndlovu, M. 2013. »The Learning of Geometry as Moving from One Thinking Le-
vel to the Next: Revising Van Hiele.« V Proceedings of the 19th Annual Con-
gress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa, uredila Z.
Davies in S. Jaffer, 277–279. Cape Town: Association for Mathematics Edu-
cation of South Africa.
———. 2014. »Pre-Service Teachers’ Understanding of Geometrical Definitions
and Class Inclusion: An Analysis Using the Van Hiele Model.« V INTED 2014:
Conference Proceedings, uredili L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez in I.
Candel Torres, 6642–6652. Valencia: International Academy of Technology,
Education and Development.
Ng, O. L., L. Shi in F. Ting. 2020. »Exploring Differences in Primary Students’ Ge-
ometry Learning Outcomes in Two Technology-Enhanced Environments:
Dynamic Geometry and 3D Printing.« International Journal of STEM Educa-
tion 7 (1): 50.
Olkun, S., N. B. Sinoplu in D. Deryakulu. 2005. »Geometric Explorations with
Dynamic Geometry Applications Based on Van Hiele Levels.« Internatio-
nal Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.
Putra, A., M. Hafis, L. Laswadi in M. Oktafia. 2020. »Gallery of Learning with Geo-
gebra: Does it Affect Students’ Learning Motivation?« Indonesian Journal
of Science and Mathematics Education 3 (2): 210–218.
Rolet, C. 2003. »Teaching and Learning Plane Geometry in Primary School:
Acquisition of a First Geometrical Thinking.« V European Research in Ma-
thematics Education III: Proceedings of the Third Conference of the European
Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 28 February–3 March 2003,
Bellaria, Italia, uredila M. A. Mariotti, 1–9. Bellaria: University of Pisa.