Page 405 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 405
Učenje in poučevanje evklidske geometrije: nekoč, danes in jutri
Burger, W. F., in J. M. Shaughnessy. 1986. »Characterizing the Van Hiele Levels of
Development in Geometry.« Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
17 (1): 31–48.
Casey, B., S. Erkut, I. Ceder in J. M. Young. 2008. »Use of a Storytelling Context
to Improve Girls’ and Boys’ Geometry Skills in Kindergarten.« Journal of
Applied Developmental Psychology 29 (1): 29–48.
Celen, Y. 2020. »Student Opinions on the Use of Geogebra Software in Mathe-
matics Teaching.« Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 19 (4):
Crowley, M. L. 1987. »The Van Hiele Model of the Development of Geometric
Thought.« V Learning and Teaching Geometry, K-12, 1987: Yearbook of the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, uredila M. Montgomery Lind-
quist, 1–16. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematic.
Dahal, N., D. Shrestha in B. P. Pant. 2019. »Integration of GeoGebra in Teaching
and Learning Geometric Transformation.« Journal of Mathematics and Sta-
tistical Science 5 (12): 323–332.
De Villiers, M. 2010. »Some Reflections on the Van Hiele Theory.« Prispevek
predstavljen na 4th Congress of Teachers of Mathematics of the Croatian
Mathematical Society, Zagreb, Hrvaška, 30. junij–2. julij.
De Villiers, M., in N. Heideman. 2014. »Conjecturing, Refuting and Proving wi-
thin the Context of Dynamic Geometry.« Learning and Teaching Mathema-
tics 2014 (17): 20–26.
Diković, L. 2009. »Applications GeoGebra Into Teaching Some Topics of Mathe-
matics at the College Level.« Computer Science and Information Systems 6
(2): 191–203.
Gawlick, T. 2005. »Connecting Arguments to Actions: Dynamic Geometry as
Means for the Attainment of Higher Van Hiele Levels.« ZDM: International
Journal on Mathematics Education 37 (5): 361–370.
Govender, R. 2014. »Rider Strategies for Solving School Geometry Problems.« V
Proceedings of the 20th Annual National Congress of the Association for Ma-
thematics Education of South Africa: Demystifying Mathematics, uredili M.
Lebitso in A. Maclean, 4–5. Kimberley: Association for Mathematics Educa-
tion of South Africa.
Graumann, G. 2011. »Mathematics for Problems in the Everyday World.« V Real-
World Problems for Secondary School Mathematics Students, uredila J. Ma-
asz in J. O’Donoghue, 113–122. Rotterdam: Sense.
Gutiérrez, A., in A. Jaime. 1998. »On the Assessment of the Van Hiele Levels of
Reasoning.« Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics 20 (2–3): 27–46.
Harel, G. 1999. »Students’ Understanding of Proofs: A Historical Analysis and
Implications for the Teaching of Geometry and Linear Algebra.« Linear Al-
gebra and its Applications 302–303:601–613.
Herbst, P., C. Chen, M. Weiss, G. Gonzalez, T. Nachlieli, M. Hamlin in C. Brach.
Burger, W. F., in J. M. Shaughnessy. 1986. »Characterizing the Van Hiele Levels of
Development in Geometry.« Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
17 (1): 31–48.
Casey, B., S. Erkut, I. Ceder in J. M. Young. 2008. »Use of a Storytelling Context
to Improve Girls’ and Boys’ Geometry Skills in Kindergarten.« Journal of
Applied Developmental Psychology 29 (1): 29–48.
Celen, Y. 2020. »Student Opinions on the Use of Geogebra Software in Mathe-
matics Teaching.« Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 19 (4):
Crowley, M. L. 1987. »The Van Hiele Model of the Development of Geometric
Thought.« V Learning and Teaching Geometry, K-12, 1987: Yearbook of the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, uredila M. Montgomery Lind-
quist, 1–16. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematic.
Dahal, N., D. Shrestha in B. P. Pant. 2019. »Integration of GeoGebra in Teaching
and Learning Geometric Transformation.« Journal of Mathematics and Sta-
tistical Science 5 (12): 323–332.
De Villiers, M. 2010. »Some Reflections on the Van Hiele Theory.« Prispevek
predstavljen na 4th Congress of Teachers of Mathematics of the Croatian
Mathematical Society, Zagreb, Hrvaška, 30. junij–2. julij.
De Villiers, M., in N. Heideman. 2014. »Conjecturing, Refuting and Proving wi-
thin the Context of Dynamic Geometry.« Learning and Teaching Mathema-
tics 2014 (17): 20–26.
Diković, L. 2009. »Applications GeoGebra Into Teaching Some Topics of Mathe-
matics at the College Level.« Computer Science and Information Systems 6
(2): 191–203.
Gawlick, T. 2005. »Connecting Arguments to Actions: Dynamic Geometry as
Means for the Attainment of Higher Van Hiele Levels.« ZDM: International
Journal on Mathematics Education 37 (5): 361–370.
Govender, R. 2014. »Rider Strategies for Solving School Geometry Problems.« V
Proceedings of the 20th Annual National Congress of the Association for Ma-
thematics Education of South Africa: Demystifying Mathematics, uredili M.
Lebitso in A. Maclean, 4–5. Kimberley: Association for Mathematics Educa-
tion of South Africa.
Graumann, G. 2011. »Mathematics for Problems in the Everyday World.« V Real-
World Problems for Secondary School Mathematics Students, uredila J. Ma-
asz in J. O’Donoghue, 113–122. Rotterdam: Sense.
Gutiérrez, A., in A. Jaime. 1998. »On the Assessment of the Van Hiele Levels of
Reasoning.« Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics 20 (2–3): 27–46.
Harel, G. 1999. »Students’ Understanding of Proofs: A Historical Analysis and
Implications for the Teaching of Geometry and Linear Algebra.« Linear Al-
gebra and its Applications 302–303:601–613.
Herbst, P., C. Chen, M. Weiss, G. Gonzalez, T. Nachlieli, M. Hamlin in C. Brach.