Page 404 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 404
iel Doz, Darjo Felda in Mara Cotič

sposobnosti logičnega sklepanja, dokazovanja in utemeljevanja (prim. Bone,
Cotič in Felda 2021). Ker še nismo zasledili raziskave, ki bi uporabila predlagani
model, ga je treba testirati in eksperimentirati; dodatne raziskave so torej po-
trebne, da se potrdijo koristi kombiniranega učenja geometrije.


Abdullah, A. H., N. H. Ibrahim, J. Surif in E. Zakaria. 2014. »The Effects of Van
Hiele’s Phase-Based Learning on Students’ Geometric Achievement and
Attitude towards Geometry.« V 2014 International Conference on Teaching
and Learning in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings, uredil J. Guerrero,
317–324. Danvers, MA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Abdullah, A. H., in E. Zakaria. 2013. »Enhancing Students’ Level of Geometric
Thinking through Van Hiele’s Phase-Based Learning.« Indian Journal of Sci-
ence and Technology 6 (5): 4432–4446.

Adelabu, F. M., M. Makgato in M. S. Ramaligela. 2019. »The Importance of Dyna-
mic Geometry Computer Software on Learners’ Performance in Geome-
try.« Electronic Journal of E-Learning 17 (1): 52–63.

Alkhateeb, M. A., in A. M. Al-Duwairi. 2019. »The Effect of Using Mobile Applica-
tions (GeoGebra and Sketchpad) on the Students’ Achievement.« Interna-
tional Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 14 (3): 523–533.

Andira, A., M. Darwis in H. Syam. 2022. »Exploring of Students’ Ability to Solve
Geometry Problems Based on Van Hiele’s Level of Thinking.« ETDC Indone-
sian Journal of Research and Educational Review 1 (2): 192–200.

Armah, R. B., P. O. Cofie in C. A. Okpoti. 2018. »Investigating the Effect of Van
Hiele Phase-Based Instruction on Pre-Service Teachers’ Geometric Thin-
king.« International Journal of Research in Education and Science 4 (1): 314–

Askew, M., L. Bowie in H. Venkat. 2019. »Pre-Service Primary Teachers’ Mathe-
matical Content Knowledge: An Exploratory Study.« African Journal of Re-
search in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 23 (3): 286–297.

Bayaga, A., M. M. Mthethwa, M. J. Bossé in D. Williams. 2019. »Impacts of Im-
plementing GeoGebra on Eleventh Grade Student’s Learning of Euclidean
Geometry.« South African Journal of Higher Education 33 (6): 32–54.

Bayrak, N., S. Yüce in M. K. Yüce. 2014. »The Investigation of the Viewpoint of
Academic Staff and Graduate Students in Teaching Geometry in Elemen-
tary School.« Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences 116:2115–2119.

Bone, J., M. Cotič in D. Felda. 2021. »Utemeljevanje pri pouku matematike.« Pe-
dagoška obzorja 36 (1): 33–52.

Boo, Y. J., in K. E. Leong. 2016. »Teaching and Learning Geometry in Primary
School Using GeoGebra.« V Electronic Proceedings of the 21st Asian Techno-
logy Conference in Mathematics, uredil D. B. Meade, 289–300. Pattaya: Ma-
thematics and Technology.

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