Page 408 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 408
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Septian, A., in E. Monariska. 2021. »The Improvement of Mathematics Under-
standing Ability on System of Linear Equation Materials and Students Le-
arning Motivation Using Geogebra-Based Educational Games.« Al-Jabar:
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika 12 (2): 371–384.
Sinclair, N., in C. D. Bruce. 2015. »New Opportunities in Geometry Education at
the Primary School.« ZDM: International Journal on Mathematics Education
47 (3): 319–329.
Siyepu, S. 2014. »Analysis of Van Hiele’s Theory in Circle Geometry: A Focus in
FET Level.« V Proceedings of the 20th Annual National Congress of the Associ-
ation for Mathematics Education of South Africa: Demystifying Mathematics,
uredili M. Lebitso in A. Maclean, 61–63. Kimberley: Association for Mathe-
matics Education of South Africa.
Stupel, M., in D. Ben-Chaim. 2021. »From Semi-Proof to Proof: Motivating De-
ductive Thinking Through Inductive Exploration.« North American GeoGe-
bra Journal 9 (1): 36–40.
Sulistiowati, D. L., T. Herman in A. Jupri. 2019. »Student Difficulties in Solving
Geometry Problem Based on Van Hiele Thinking Level.« Journal of Physics:
Conference Series 1157 (4): 042118.
Tachie, S. A. 2020. »The Challenges of South African Teachers in Teaching Eucli-
dean Geometry.« International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educatio-
nal Research 19 (8): 297–312.
Tahani, A. 2016. »Effects of Van Hiele Model in Geometric Concepts Acquisition:
The Attitudes Towards Geometry and Learning Transfer Effect of the First
Three Grades Students in Jordan.« International Education Studies 9 (4): 87–
Turk, H. S., in D. Akyuz. 2016. »The Effects of Using Dynamic Geometry on Eighth
Grade Students’ Achievement and Attitude Towards Triangles.« Internati-
onal Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 23 (3): 95–102.
Ubah, I. 2022. »Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Semiotic Transformation of
Similar Triangles: Euclidean Geometry.« International Journal of Mathema-
tical Education in Science and Technology 53 (8): 2004–2025.
Usman, H., W. T. Yew in S. Saleh. 2019. »Effects of Van Hiele’s Phase-Based Tea-
ching Strategy and Gender on Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Attitude
towards Geometry in Niger State, Nigeria.« African Journal of Educational
Studies in Mathematics and Sciences 15 (1): 61–75.
Uwurukundo, M. S., J. F. Maniraho in M. Tusiime Rwibasira. 2022. »Effect of Ge-
oGebra Software on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in 3-D Ge-
ometry.« Education and Information Technologies 27 (4): 5749–5765.
Van Putten, S., S. Howie in G. Stols. 2010. »Making Euclidean Geometry Com-
pulsory: Are We Prepared?« Perspectives in Education 28 (4): 22–31.
Vargas, G. V., in R. G. Araya. 2013. »El modelo de Van Hiele y la enseñanza de la
geometría.« Uniciencia 27 (1): 74–94.
Septian, A., in E. Monariska. 2021. »The Improvement of Mathematics Under-
standing Ability on System of Linear Equation Materials and Students Le-
arning Motivation Using Geogebra-Based Educational Games.« Al-Jabar:
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika 12 (2): 371–384.
Sinclair, N., in C. D. Bruce. 2015. »New Opportunities in Geometry Education at
the Primary School.« ZDM: International Journal on Mathematics Education
47 (3): 319–329.
Siyepu, S. 2014. »Analysis of Van Hiele’s Theory in Circle Geometry: A Focus in
FET Level.« V Proceedings of the 20th Annual National Congress of the Associ-
ation for Mathematics Education of South Africa: Demystifying Mathematics,
uredili M. Lebitso in A. Maclean, 61–63. Kimberley: Association for Mathe-
matics Education of South Africa.
Stupel, M., in D. Ben-Chaim. 2021. »From Semi-Proof to Proof: Motivating De-
ductive Thinking Through Inductive Exploration.« North American GeoGe-
bra Journal 9 (1): 36–40.
Sulistiowati, D. L., T. Herman in A. Jupri. 2019. »Student Difficulties in Solving
Geometry Problem Based on Van Hiele Thinking Level.« Journal of Physics:
Conference Series 1157 (4): 042118.
Tachie, S. A. 2020. »The Challenges of South African Teachers in Teaching Eucli-
dean Geometry.« International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educatio-
nal Research 19 (8): 297–312.
Tahani, A. 2016. »Effects of Van Hiele Model in Geometric Concepts Acquisition:
The Attitudes Towards Geometry and Learning Transfer Effect of the First
Three Grades Students in Jordan.« International Education Studies 9 (4): 87–
Turk, H. S., in D. Akyuz. 2016. »The Effects of Using Dynamic Geometry on Eighth
Grade Students’ Achievement and Attitude Towards Triangles.« Internati-
onal Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 23 (3): 95–102.
Ubah, I. 2022. »Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Semiotic Transformation of
Similar Triangles: Euclidean Geometry.« International Journal of Mathema-
tical Education in Science and Technology 53 (8): 2004–2025.
Usman, H., W. T. Yew in S. Saleh. 2019. »Effects of Van Hiele’s Phase-Based Tea-
ching Strategy and Gender on Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Attitude
towards Geometry in Niger State, Nigeria.« African Journal of Educational
Studies in Mathematics and Sciences 15 (1): 61–75.
Uwurukundo, M. S., J. F. Maniraho in M. Tusiime Rwibasira. 2022. »Effect of Ge-
oGebra Software on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in 3-D Ge-
ometry.« Education and Information Technologies 27 (4): 5749–5765.
Van Putten, S., S. Howie in G. Stols. 2010. »Making Euclidean Geometry Com-
pulsory: Are We Prepared?« Perspectives in Education 28 (4): 22–31.
Vargas, G. V., in R. G. Araya. 2013. »El modelo de Van Hiele y la enseñanza de la
geometría.« Uniciencia 27 (1): 74–94.