Page 469 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 469
Vizualizacija geometrijskih konceptov nekoč in danes
Mat enopredmetna: predmetnik s kreditnim ovrednotenjem študijskih
obveznosti 2022–2023.«
Univerza v Mariboru, Pedagoška fakulteta. B. l. »1. stopnja: razredni pouk.«
Van de Walle, J. A., K. S. Karp in J. M. Bay-Williams. 2013. Elementary and Mid-
dle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally. 8. izd. Boston, MA: Pe-
Vincent, J., in B. McCrae. 1999. »Cabry Geometry: A Catalyst for Growth in Ge-
ometric Understanding.« V Proceeding of 22nd Conference of Mathematics
Education Research Group of Australia, uredila J. M. Truran in K. M. Truran,
507–514. Gold Coast: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australa-
Yelland, N. J. 2003. »Making Connections with Powerful Ideas in the Measure-
ment of Length.« V Learning and Teaching Measurement, uredil D. H. Cle-
ments, 31–45. Restor, VA: Nacional Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Yildirim, S., in E. Kiraz. 1999. »Obstacles to Integration of On-Line Communi-
cation Tools Into Preservice Teacher Education.« Journal of Computing in
Teacher Education 15 (3): 23–28.
Zavod Republike Slovenije za Šolstvo. 2022. Izhodišča za prenovo učnih načrtov
v osnovni šoli in gimnaziji. Uredili J. Rojc in B. Silvar. Ljubljana: Zavod Repu-
blike Slovenije za šolstvo.
Zbiek, R. M., M. K. Heid, G. W. Blume in T. P. Dick. 2007. »Research on Techno-
logy in Mathematics Education: A Perspective of Constructs.« V Second
Handbook of Research on Mathematics in Teaching and Learning, uredil F.
K. Lester, Jr. 1169–1208. Reston, VA: Information Age.
Visualization of Geometric Concepts Then and Now: Teachers’ Views
on the Use of Dynamic Geometry in Mathematics Education
Spatial ability begins to develop shortly after birth. Some professions, such as
photographers, graphic designers, architects, artists, cartographers, construc-
tion engineers, surgeons, physicists and others, require well-developed spatial
abilities to execute their tasks. In the past, we used to develop spatial abili-
ties by observing and manipulating concrete objects, drawings, sketches, and
other constructions made with a pair of compasses, which was in most cases
very time-consuming. Modern technology enables the use of dynamic soft-
ware, which provides interactive manipulation of objects and is much more ef-
ficient than what was available with physical manipulations. Considering that
the use of technology in education depends on the teachers and that Slove-
nian teachers use it to a lesser extent in lessons as compared to other coun-
tries, the purpose of the research presented in the paper was to find out what
Mat enopredmetna: predmetnik s kreditnim ovrednotenjem študijskih
obveznosti 2022–2023.«
Univerza v Mariboru, Pedagoška fakulteta. B. l. »1. stopnja: razredni pouk.«
Van de Walle, J. A., K. S. Karp in J. M. Bay-Williams. 2013. Elementary and Mid-
dle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally. 8. izd. Boston, MA: Pe-
Vincent, J., in B. McCrae. 1999. »Cabry Geometry: A Catalyst for Growth in Ge-
ometric Understanding.« V Proceeding of 22nd Conference of Mathematics
Education Research Group of Australia, uredila J. M. Truran in K. M. Truran,
507–514. Gold Coast: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australa-
Yelland, N. J. 2003. »Making Connections with Powerful Ideas in the Measure-
ment of Length.« V Learning and Teaching Measurement, uredil D. H. Cle-
ments, 31–45. Restor, VA: Nacional Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Yildirim, S., in E. Kiraz. 1999. »Obstacles to Integration of On-Line Communi-
cation Tools Into Preservice Teacher Education.« Journal of Computing in
Teacher Education 15 (3): 23–28.
Zavod Republike Slovenije za Šolstvo. 2022. Izhodišča za prenovo učnih načrtov
v osnovni šoli in gimnaziji. Uredili J. Rojc in B. Silvar. Ljubljana: Zavod Repu-
blike Slovenije za šolstvo.
Zbiek, R. M., M. K. Heid, G. W. Blume in T. P. Dick. 2007. »Research on Techno-
logy in Mathematics Education: A Perspective of Constructs.« V Second
Handbook of Research on Mathematics in Teaching and Learning, uredil F.
K. Lester, Jr. 1169–1208. Reston, VA: Information Age.
Visualization of Geometric Concepts Then and Now: Teachers’ Views
on the Use of Dynamic Geometry in Mathematics Education
Spatial ability begins to develop shortly after birth. Some professions, such as
photographers, graphic designers, architects, artists, cartographers, construc-
tion engineers, surgeons, physicists and others, require well-developed spatial
abilities to execute their tasks. In the past, we used to develop spatial abili-
ties by observing and manipulating concrete objects, drawings, sketches, and
other constructions made with a pair of compasses, which was in most cases
very time-consuming. Modern technology enables the use of dynamic soft-
ware, which provides interactive manipulation of objects and is much more ef-
ficient than what was available with physical manipulations. Considering that
the use of technology in education depends on the teachers and that Slove-
nian teachers use it to a lesser extent in lessons as compared to other coun-
tries, the purpose of the research presented in the paper was to find out what