Page 468 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 468
ela Hudovernik
Raphael, D., in M. Wahlstrom. 1989. »The Influence of Instructional Aids on Ma-
thematics Achievement.« Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 20
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Reimer, K., in P. S. Moyer. 2005. »Third-Grades Learn about Fractions Using Vir-
tual Manipulatives: A Classroom Study.« Journal of Computers in Mathema-
tics and Science Teaching 24 (1): 5–25.
Roblyer, M. D., in G. A. Knezek. 2003. »New Millennium Research for Educational
Technology: A Call for a National Research Agenda.« Journal of Research on
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Samsudin, K., A. Rafi in A. S. Hanif. 2011. »Training in Mental Rotation and Spa-
tial Visualization and Its Impact on Orthographic Drawing Performance.«
Journal of Educational Technology and Society 14 (1): 179–186.
Sharit, J., S. J. Czaja, S. Nair in C. Lee. 2003. »Effects of Age, Speech Rate and
Environmental Support in Using Telephone Voice Menu Systems.« Human
Factors 45 (2): 234–251.
Sowder, J., in D. Wearne. 2006. »What Do We Know about Eighth-Grade Student
Achievement?« Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 11 (6): 285–293.
Sugar, W., F. Crawley in B. Fine. 2004. »Examining Teachers’ Decisions to Adopt
New Technology.« Journal of Educational Technology and Society 7 (4): 201–
Šterman Ivančič, K. 2013. Izhodišča merjenja matematične pismenosti v raziskavi
PISA 2012 s primeri nalog. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
Taber, K. S. 2001. »Constructing Chemical Concepts in the Classroom?: Using
Research to Inform Practice.« Chemistry Education Research and Practice 2
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Teo, T. K. 2008. »Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Computer Use: A Sin-
gapore Survey.« Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 24 (4): 413–
Tobin, K., in G. Dawson. 1992. »Constraints to Curriculum Reform: Teachers and
the Myths of Schooling.« Educational Technology, Research and Develop-
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Tondeur, J., M. Valcke in J. Van Braak. 2008. »A Multidimensional Approach to
Determinants of Computer Use in Primary Education: Teacher and School
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Univerza na Primorskem, Pedagoška fakulteta. B. l. »Razredni pouk.« https://
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko. B. l. »Enoviti magistrski
študijski program 2. stopnje Pedagoška matematika.« https://www.fmf
Univerza v Ljubljani, Predagoška fakulteta. B. l. »Študij: razredni pouk.« https://
Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko. 2022. »2st izo-
Raphael, D., in M. Wahlstrom. 1989. »The Influence of Instructional Aids on Ma-
thematics Achievement.« Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 20
(2): 173–190.
Reimer, K., in P. S. Moyer. 2005. »Third-Grades Learn about Fractions Using Vir-
tual Manipulatives: A Classroom Study.« Journal of Computers in Mathema-
tics and Science Teaching 24 (1): 5–25.
Roblyer, M. D., in G. A. Knezek. 2003. »New Millennium Research for Educational
Technology: A Call for a National Research Agenda.« Journal of Research on
Technology in Education 36 (1): 60–71.
Samsudin, K., A. Rafi in A. S. Hanif. 2011. »Training in Mental Rotation and Spa-
tial Visualization and Its Impact on Orthographic Drawing Performance.«
Journal of Educational Technology and Society 14 (1): 179–186.
Sharit, J., S. J. Czaja, S. Nair in C. Lee. 2003. »Effects of Age, Speech Rate and
Environmental Support in Using Telephone Voice Menu Systems.« Human
Factors 45 (2): 234–251.
Sowder, J., in D. Wearne. 2006. »What Do We Know about Eighth-Grade Student
Achievement?« Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 11 (6): 285–293.
Sugar, W., F. Crawley in B. Fine. 2004. »Examining Teachers’ Decisions to Adopt
New Technology.« Journal of Educational Technology and Society 7 (4): 201–
Šterman Ivančič, K. 2013. Izhodišča merjenja matematične pismenosti v raziskavi
PISA 2012 s primeri nalog. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
Taber, K. S. 2001. »Constructing Chemical Concepts in the Classroom?: Using
Research to Inform Practice.« Chemistry Education Research and Practice 2
(1): 43–51.
Teo, T. K. 2008. »Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Computer Use: A Sin-
gapore Survey.« Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 24 (4): 413–
Tobin, K., in G. Dawson. 1992. »Constraints to Curriculum Reform: Teachers and
the Myths of Schooling.« Educational Technology, Research and Develop-
ment 40 (1): 81–92.
Tondeur, J., M. Valcke in J. Van Braak. 2008. »A Multidimensional Approach to
Determinants of Computer Use in Primary Education: Teacher and School
Characteristics.« Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 24 (6): 494–506.
Univerza na Primorskem, Pedagoška fakulteta. B. l. »Razredni pouk.« https://
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko. B. l. »Enoviti magistrski
študijski program 2. stopnje Pedagoška matematika.« https://www.fmf
Univerza v Ljubljani, Predagoška fakulteta. B. l. »Študij: razredni pouk.« https://
Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko. 2022. »2st izo-